11) Relief

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The school bell rang. I wanted to get things straight, I stood outside of the school gym and waited for her to leave. There she was leaving the building, to be honest I thought she would be somewhere else maybe having a confrontation with Daniel.
"Nayeon, why are you here?" Jeongyeon asked as soon as she saw me. I dragged her where no people were around.
"Tell me the truth. What's with you and Daniel? And don't give me some fake answer." I growled.
She nodded, I guess I got to her finally.

"He reminds me of... someone that I hate." She spoke.
I started to laugh, thinking she was joking.
"But I'm serious."
"Really, then what did that someone do?"
"We always got into fights and they would always tease me and I would get so pissed." She scrunched up her fist and then relaxed, by then stopped laughing and tried to sympathise with her.
"You can't hate Daniel for someone who he is not. You may have your indifferences, but that's how we got together." I smiled.

"Yeah... definitely." Jeongyeon held my hand and we both started to walk to our car. Jihyo was patiently waiting for us, she looked kinda mad, but she's used to it.
I tired opening the door, but Jeongyeon prevented it to move.
"Jihyo you can go home first." She said and pulled me away.
"What's happening?" I questioned.
"Let's go back to our place."

Our place?
The thing was I haven't remembered as much from our past, but I figured as much that what she was talking about was when we first met. And as I thought, I was right.

"The park." I spoke.
"You remember?" She asked as she wrapped her arms from behind my back.
"Of course, where it all... started." My eyes wonder around the opening, but as I looked closer there was a road in between us and the park. A horrid rush flooded my whole body. This was not only a place of reminisce but a place of horror.


December 2012

"Come back on time, okay?" My mom shouted as we left the house.
"We will."
Jeongyeon and I went to our favourite place. Yes, it was the park and you might say it's really typical, but it was our place. It has always been ours, just like the day we first met. It has always been a special spot.

We passed the road and sat on the green grass, we both took in the view. Beautiful as always.
"Christmas is almost here." I spoke.
"Yep, can't wait for the mistletoe." She smiled widely.
"Don't get any ideas, you've already got a kiss from me this year."
"But it wouldn't hurt to do it again." This time she smirked and I couldn't stand it.

"First you wish for a kiss and now you want another one. Ha, what else do you want?" I asked almost jokingly, but Jeongyeon kept quiet and placed her hand on mine.
"You, I want you to be mine."
I froze... she was joking, right?
I mean, she wasn't being serious?
I couldn't answer her back... I just couldn't!

"I'm sorry... I didn't know what came over me!" She covered her face and hastily stood up.
"Wait! No... you don't have to—." But before I could get her attention she started run back, back to where we came from.
And there... a car, Jeongyeon was getting close to the road... did she not see it?
The car was going to hit her, so I ran and ran until caught up to her.

Yet... it was too late, the car was going to hit. That's when everything went blurry, I forced myself to push her to safety. I was the one who saved her... and yet I didn't get to say how much I loved her back then.

Flashback End

Do You Still Love Me? | 2Yeon Book 2Where stories live. Discover now