17) Set Things Straight

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Just a few hours to a new year, a new us and a new start. That means getting rid of any grudges. For the last few hours we prepared our dinner just before 11:00 pm, 'cause at midnight we would feast all the way through the first day.

It was our tradition, you could say. I sat with Jeongyeon in the living room, watching the news as well as waiting for Jihyo. She was dressed up as if she was travelling in the cold, wearing a long puffy coat and a fluffy scarf.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm going to Daniel's house." Jihyo said.
I heard Jeongyeon mumble under her breath.
"I'm going to bring him a gift." She held up a tray wrapped in foil, the scent of grilled pork filled the room.

"Since your doing that, I'll help." I offered and leaned into Jeongyeon.
"We'll be back." I kissed on her cheek and opened the door for Jihyo.
The soft snow settled onto the ground perfectly, gladly I was wrapped in warm wooled clothes otherwise I would be freezing.
A few doors down, and we arrived at Daniel's apartment.

I knocked onto the door and he instantly opened.
"Jihyo— and Nayeon." He slightly smiled, "P-Please come in." He opened the door wide open and we both came in.
Jihyo placed the tray onto the dining table as she took off her winter gear.
"Nayeon came to help me." Jihyo assured Daniel as he stood awkwardly, "Since she's here... I think you want to say something."

I looked at him sweetly, he nodded his head.
"Nayeon... I'm sorry for what happened for the past few weeks, I didn't mean to cause that much harm. I held so many grudges and I didn't know how to accept that your with Jeongyeon..."
I smiled. He truly was apologetic and to be truthful it did not have a big effect on me. I wasn't the one who was hurt.
"I forgive you." I spoke, "But it's not me who you should be apologies to."
His eyes lit up like he was relieved from his past, I knew it when he turned to Jihyo with a charming smile.

I was prepared to leave when I saw that Jihyo didn't move.
"Are we going?" I called.
She shook her head, she stood next to Daniel, "I think I'll stay for a moment, eat without me."
Secretly or not, but they were holding hand, stating close to each other like couples would do.
I chuckled, "I'm happy for you two." I said before leaving.

When I returned home, Jeongyeon was still on the sofa watching the news. Only a few minutes till midnight. She heard me come in and turned around quickly.
"What took you so long?" She hastily said, as she looked around, she couldn't find Jihyo.
"Where's Jihyo?"
"She's staying with Daniel for a while." Expecting she would react negatively, she instead smiled.
She wasn't angry? I thought she go into an angry state. Something got into her, but I'm glad it did.

She lend out her hand and pulled me closer to the open window. The night quiet, people around the street were waiting for the fireworks display. Just one more minute until midnight.
I leant onto Jeongyeon's shoulder.
"I'm glad she found someone." She said, she placed her head onto mine.
"I'm surprised you're happy, she's with your rival." I said almost jokingly.
"Well... it does take him off you... and they're quite a good couple together."

"I'm glad we can agree." I whispered.
The countdown started, everyone was chanting.


Bright colour lights filled the dark sky. Another year filled with hope and starting a new light.
I felt calm in that moment, mostly because Jeongyeon was with me as she turned and said, "Happy new year, Nayeon."
"Happy new year, Jeongyeon."

I clasped onto her collar, pulling her in towards me.

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