16) Already The Talk Of The Town

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The winter break arrived, school was out and Christmas was near. A week before the 25th, we decided to meet up with our old friends.
You know, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. They all arrived just in time at the same restaurant we always go to to meet up.

"It took you guys long enough to call us." Chaeyoung laughed as they all sat down.
"Well this month has been 'a lot' recently." I mumbled.
"We can see, Jihyo has a plaster on her nose." Tzuyu said.
"Yeah, that's a story to tell." Jihyo chuckled as she stared at Jeongyeon.
"Oh no... is it what I heard?" Mina sighed.
"What did you hear?" Jeongyeon asked, looking very panicked.

"Well one of our friends' little brother heard a rumour that two teachers had gotten into a fight in your school." Sana continued, "They told us since they wanted to know who it was and so do we."
"So what happened? Who fought?" Dahyun asked.
They all saw Jeongyeon shamefully looking into the floor.
Jihyo scoffed, "It was her and another staff at school."
They were shocked, but in a way that they weren't that surprised.

"See, I knew it." Momo said.
"Who was the other staff?" Tzuyu asked.
"Kang Daniel, Jeongyeon's rival." I smirked.
They mumbled.
"I don't need the details, but why did you snap?" Sana asked, so invested.
"She was jealous that he was making a move." Jihyo laughed as the others joined in.
They were mocking her, poor Jeongyeon.

"Then they fought and when Jihyo tried to stop them, she got punched by Jeongyeon." I finished.
"Oh damn..." Momo gasped.
They sniggered and we kept talking all night. It was again nice hanging around with them, after all that we went through. It was our time to relax for real this time.

Everyone was finished with their meals, Chaeyoung leant forward and pointed at Jeongyeon, "Anyway, how's the plan going?"
"What plan?" I asked.
"Plan?! What plan?" Jeongyeon shook her head.
They smiled ever so creepily.
"I think you know Jeongyeon." Momo nodded her head, her friends encouraged them.
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Come on, it'll come 'ringing' to you." Dahyun joked.

"That makes no sense and isn't funny." Jeongyeon scoffed.
"Look if you don't like if, then you shouldn't put a ring on it." Tzuyu smirked.
Jeongyeon looked very frustrated as they all mocked her.
I was very confused at that time.
On the other hand, Jihyo almost spat out her drink, "You mean she's going to propo—."
Jeongyeon covered her mouth instantly, I could hear her nervously laugh.
She glared back at them and took my hand. She took me aside away from the rest, I kinda gathered what they meant about a plan.
"So did you want to talk to me about a proposal?" I smiled.
Jeongyeon was taken aback, "I-I didn't want this to happen. I wanted to be more surprising."

"I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for Tzuyu's reference to Beyoncé's Single Ladies." I laughed.
"Yeah... I wanted to speak about it earlier—."
"I get it, you don't have to rush things. And I know you wanted it to be special, but you don't have to go the whole lengths to impress me. I'm thankful that you're here with me."

She felt relieved after hearing that, she pulled me closer to her chest.
"So would you accept my proposal if I did it?" Jeongyeon asked.
"I would gladly." I said before forcing her head towards mine.

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