5) Old Memories

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It's the weekends finally, we decided to chill out at home. Since it was breakfast, both Jeongyeon and Jihyo were cooking breakfast. I was in my room still wondering how I knew Kang Daniel.

I looked over to my unpacked bag which had all my past stuff as a child. Technically, I used it to remind myself before the accident. Though, I haven't read anything that talked about Daniel.
So, being the curious me, I took my diary out and skimmed through the pages.

With no luck, I didn't see his name written anywhere. What I noticed was there were most pages that were ripped or lost than the ones written here, I don't know how that happened.
It could have been my parents or me, I had no clue.

Oh well, I put it aside and went into the living room where Jeongyeon was sitting.
"Morning." She said.
"Good morning, is breakfast ready?" I asked.
"Jihyo is still cooking, she said she could handle it herself." She put her head onto my shoulder.
"Don't you think she has already a lot
of responsibilities?"
"It's not my fault she really wanted to do it herself. I told her, but she wouldn't listen."

Poor Jihyo, she's always overworking herself, you could say she's kinda like our mom. She scolds when we're messing about. Without her, we would've have this house, what will we do without her?
Oh well, I hope we could make her stop and see someone who could properly take care of her.
I mean would could, but she deserves more.

"Anyways I'm gonna be in our room for a bit." She held out her hand hoping I would join, of course I did.
We entered our room and sat down on the bed.
"Oh hey." Jeongyeon shot up as her eyes focused onto my diary.
"You still kept yours."
I smiled, "Yeah, you can read it."
"Really? Are you sure?"

I nodded, then we sat on the floor just like old times.
"So, where should we start?" She handed it to me.
I shrugged at the thought, "Anywhere, I don't exactly remember everything."
She smiled and flicked through the pages stopping at one account.

November 1st 2012

Dear diary,

It was Yoo Jeongyeon's birthday, she turned 16 today. Yet what happened on that day was crazy.


"Happy birthday!" I shouted as she opened the door.
"Hey! You came." She slightly smiled and let me in.
Within her house were posted with 16th birthday, her parents really out did it.
"Where are your parents?" Jeongyeon asked.
"They're at work, but we got you something." I pushed the present in her face.

She put it down and took my hand.
"I don't need presents."
"Ah well, it's from all of us at least accept it." I smiled.
"I don't need one from you." Jeongyeon sighed.
"From me?"
She nodded her head.
"Well, I don't know what else I should do." I chuckled nervously as she kept looking.
"My birthday wish is to kiss you." She looked directly at me.
I was startled, but somehow I didn't back away. Something brought me closer to her and that's when I had the confidence.

"Then I'll do it. I'll make your wish come true."

Flashback End

"The first time you kissed me." Jeongyeon laughed.
"Now that I read it, I remember." I stared at the details of what happened next, cringing at the fact I even described the feeling and emotion.
I shook my head at it, trying to clear my head.

"I'm glad you remember that." Jeongyeon placed her hand on mine.
I nodded and thought of all the possible lost memories I could grasp my mind upon.
Then it occurred to me, Kang Daniel, who was he?

"Jeongyeon, do you know who Kang Daniel is?" I asked, but she shrugged her shoulders.
"I mean he remembered you and I when we were in High School. Was he anything to us?" Saying that made me feel anxious as Jeongyeon shook her head again.
"I only recognise him, I don't remember anything else."

"That's fine." I said and stood up, "We should go have breakfast."

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