18) Back To Normal?

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2 weeks after New Years, we were back into work. The student seemed 'cheerful' as always. My New Years resolution was to be more optimistic and to be honest I'm surprised I could keep this up.
After the initial start of school, Jeongyeon and Daniel were suspended for a week before coming back. That's the time they had to forgive and forget.
Jihyo and I planned a meeting at our house to set everything straight.

When we got home we had a little word with Jeongyeon.
"All you have to do is apologise. That's it." I said.
"I know, I'm not a child." Jeongyeon scoffed.
"Says the one who held a grudge." Jihyo murmured as Jeongyeon tried to say something back, but failed.
I laughed and we all waited for Daniel.
Then, a knock came to the door. Jihyo rushed towards the door and opened it.
"Hey..." He said quietly.

I stood behind Jeongyeon who was sitting cross-armed on the sofa like a sulky child. Jihyo brought him into the living room and he sat down just a few inches away from Jeongyeon.
"I guess this is self-explanatory." Jihyo began, "We want you to apologise and we can finally say to Mr Oh that this whole ordeal is over."
I nodded along, their jobs were on the line. This apology had to be sincere.

Yet, they sat there in silence. Both me and Jihyo didn't take part, it would be the best if they sort it out themselves. We were in the kitchen, eyeing on them. None made a start, I felt a second-hand embarrassment coming over me.
"What's so hard for them to say sorry?" I said to myself.
"Years of resentment and grudge, unrequited love?" Jihyo answered as she looked at me.
"Yeah yeah, I get it." I rolled my eyes.

Then, I heard a sigh come from the living room. We peered from the corner to see that Jeongyeon stood up and turned to Daniel.
I was afraid she would do something, but instead she held out her hand.
"Let's be frank with each other." She said, intentionally Daniel accepted her hand.
"Sure, I will."
Jeongyeon continued, "We both don't want this especially it's a new year. I know it's hard to say sorry, but let's forget about this. All of this. Let's start over."
Daniel hesitated for a moment, "I resented you for taking my first love away. But... it's wrong for me to take it out on you." He smiled, "Plus, I have a new love... I'm sorry for the troubles."

Jeongyeon was taken aback, "Well... I-I'm sorry too."
They shook hands.
I cheered quietly as Jihyo nodded her head in approval.
"See how easy it is." Jihyo said out loud.
"Yeah." They mumbled with a smile.
We came into the living room. "Since we're all past this, will there be no problems?" I asked the both of them, hoping for them to nod their heads.
"Only if he doesn't annoy me." Jeongyeon smirked.
Daniel took offence, "Uh... me? Speak for yourself."

"Guys!" Jihyo shouted, almost shook the house. They stopped, the intimidation from Jihyo was too unbearable.
"Right, sorry." Jeongyeon spoke., "But I'll only forgive you on one condition."
We were all confused, what was she in about?
"Take good care of Jihyo, she deserves everything and if you don't I swear I'll hurt you." She growled.
Daniel took a step back and nodded quickly, "I will, I promise I will."
Jihyo smiled widely at him.
"Good." Jeongyeon held out her hand again.

This time Daniel hugged her.
They were taking a liking with each other eventually.
"I deserve everything?" Jihyo butted in.
"You deserve to be happy." Jeongyeon smiled.
Jihyo nodded to my direction, "And you deserve to be with her."
I looked away, trying to hide my obvious blushing.
Jeongyeon cleared her throat, "I hope for the best for you two."
"And I wish for you too."

Jig to gripped onto his arm and headed towards the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Since they're forgiven each other, Daniel promised me a dinner." Jihyo smiled widely. They were already out of the house, the door slammed shut.
I sighed as I saw Jeongyeon go upstairs, "Just wait here for a sec."
I didn't ask why, I waited. When she came back, she was holding a box filled with one singular thing which jiggled around sounding quite heavy and metal.

"What's this?"
Jeongyeon smiled, "You'll see."
I followed her, still not badgering where we were going. I figured it out when I saw the large park.
Was it something important?
She stopped at a big oak tree and laid the box onto the floor.
"Now are you going to tell me what's going on?" I said.
Jeongyeon opens the box revealing a small shovel.
"Are we digging for treasure?"
She laughed, "No." she started digging near the base of the tree.
How blunt can she be? Why can't she just tell me?

She dug a hole wide enough for the box, she gently placed it in. I watch her as she took off her pendant. I was genuinely confused.
Then, she dropped it inside.
Alarmed, I quickly picked it up.
"Why did you do that?" I shouted.
She lend out her hand, "We're digging up our memories. If anything happens... we'll know where to find them... Unless we lose our memories." She joked

It was a sweet idea.
"But won't you miss it?" I gripped her pendant tight.
"No, cause you're here."
I know I should be more considerate, but I felt bad for not bringing anything.
Then, I remembered...
I took out my wallet and pulled out the first picture that we took.
"You kept it." Jeongyeon held it.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I slowly placed it in the box as well as the pendant.

"We can always come back to it, to fill it up." Jeongyeon sighed as she started to fill the ground. Maybe this was the start, a new beginning for all of us. We were all relieved. All is good.

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