6) Chill Out

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"Get ready in 15 minutes!"
That's what I heard after I just woke up from a four hour sleep. Don't get me wrong, I don't need that much sleep, but why does Jeongyeon want me to get up so early. It's Saturday and I don't want to be disturbed.

Oh well... I got dressed in my outside outfit and walked downstairs. 8:35 that's what the time read, this better be good for making me up so early.
When I arrived downstairs in the living room, Jeongyeon was ready with her bag.
"Why?" I said sluggishly.
"I'm taking you on a date." She hastily grabbed my hand.
"In the morning?"
"Do you not want to then?" She smirked which to be frank was quite overdoing it.

"I didn't say that, just what are we doing?"
Jeongyeon smiled, "Anything, let's just be us today."
I liked her idea and it was sweet for her.
"Where's Jihyo?" I asked, then conveniently she came downstairs.
"Yeah I'll just stay here."
"Are you sure? You could always try to meet with someone." I grinned cheekily.
"You could make conversation with a stranger." Jeongyeon sniggered.

"How many times do I have to say... I don't want to date anyone right now." Jihyo scoffed and headed upstairs.
Welp her loss, we both left and headed to the central city.
I didn't know where we were going, I just kept following Jeongyeon until she stopped in front of a Café shop.
We sat down and Jeongyeon ordered our usual orders, in addition to that she ordered us a small cheese cake. We don't usually have breakfast since we don't eat that much in the morning.

For that couple of minutes, it was nice to be on a date. It reminds me of the times in University, every time I see her I couldn't stop myself from smiling.
"So," I spoke, "What's next on the agenda?"
"I'll take you to the mall and you can have whatever you want." Jeongyeon said.
"Really? Anything I want." I said as she started to regret her choice of words.
"Anything that's in my budget." She smiled, I shrugged and finished my drink before heading out to the mall.

Alas at the mall, not a lot of people were around. Some stores were open and some weren't open till later, though a few clothing stores opened really early.
"How about here?" Jeongyeon gestured to a clothing shop, they were very grand and fancy; it's good for those who are into smart clothing, I'm not that kind to be frank.
"I think causal works better on me." I spoke.
"Never know when you need a dress." Jeongyeon chuckled.
I joked, "Like what kind of dress suits on me?"
"A wedding dress."

I stopped and stared right at her with shocked expression. She was joking right?
I mean... I was really taken aback in that moment... was she...

"What? Don't tell me you haven't thought of the future." Jeongyeon pulled me closer.
"I just didn't know you would be this forward." I laughed nervously.
"Well I don't have a ring for you, but maybe next time I do."
I knew she felt so proud in that moment, a kind of confession to marry me, but not really. I guess we will see.
"What's next?" It has been over an hour and we still haven't bought anything else.
Jeongyeon checked her phone, "How about an amusement park?"
Sounds fun! What could go wrong?

She dragged me along until we reached the entrance of the newly built amusement park. A lot of rides looked extreme, not much for my taste, but I could see on Jeongyeon's face she was more excited than I was.

"Did you take me here just for your entertainment?"
She shrugged as she kept her childish smile. We stopped at a ride and I was not impressed.
"We're going on this?" My eyes scaled up the large loop the loop... I wasn't scared... maybe...
"What? Are you scared?" Jeongyeon nudged me forward.
"N-No I didn't say that." I snapped.
"You stuttered, it means your are."
"Hey! I'll go on it." That's when I regretted it.
"Oh." She laughed, "Really?"

I felt offended by her mocking me so I stood up and went into the line.
"You think I'm joking?" I had no idea where I gained my confidence.
"Well, let's see if Im Nayeon can survive this rollercoaster." Jeongyeon smirked.
Yes I was stupid and yes I wasn't in my right mind... but I couldn't pass down this chance to make her wrong. Even though I was scared for my life.

The carts rolled in, the last few passengers exited out. How lucky we were that we were at the front seats. I trembled so much that my teeth were clattering, but I had to suck it up to prove my point.
It started to move, moving upwards to the sky. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as we were almost at the top.
Then, I felt a gentle warm touch on my hand.
"It's going to be okay."
I only heard, but somehow it made me calm down. I wasn't scared anymore.

And just like that it was finished, it was like everything went in fast forward, I didn't even remember how it felt. I just felt tranquility.
"You did it. I underestimated you." Jeongyeon smiled.
"Yeah... thanks." I mumbled.
"Okay, since I've put you through that torture, let's go eat."
A fancy restaurant, how nice; it would be better if I was dressed appropriately. Plus, this place was quite expensive, but it was Jeongyeon's money we were spending.

We ordered our food and waited.
"You weren't actually kidding when you said I can have anything I want." I said.
"It's my treat, we haven't been like this for a few months." She kept fiddling with her wine glass.
"You seem nervous." I pointed out.
"Me? Just really not into going to work on Monday." She sighed.
I asked, "Why so?"
"Cause of... stuff..."

She was blatantly lying, but I held off.
"Very specific. I won't ask anymore." I said, "But I will ask you're friendship with Kang Daniel."
I heard her scoff a little.
"What about him?"
"Do you remember anything else how he was like in High School?" I asked hastily.
"I'll say it again, no. Plus what's your obsession with this guy?" Jeongyeon huffed.
"Look I'm trying to remember him but I can't. I feel bad."

She tilted her head and shook her head, "You don't have to feel bad for not remembering. You did have an accident."
I stayed silent.
"You don't want to go around and telling anyone our personal life, do you?"
I nodded.
"I'll make it up to you. After this, how about karaoke?"
And that made my smile grow.

With that, we partied the night away. Belting out songs (and getting drunk), everything was a blur, but I could remember... an image of Jeongyeon real close to me...

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