14) The Past Truth

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"Do you not love me anymore?"

I shook my head furiously, "What do you mean, of course I love you."
"Are you sure? You and Daniel were having a moment there. No, you both were getting close for the past few weeks." She harshly pointed.
"He was whispering, I was playing along and I took them as friendly compliments." I laughed.
"You think this is funny? You're my girlfriend and he's a not trustworthy." She growled.

"Jeongyeon... you're jealous, aren't you?" I came back.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"This 'rivalry' you both have started from High school. I know because it just came to me. Look, whatever happened doesn't apply to now. I love you, I would never go behind your back." I stopped for a moment, her back was hunched and her hands were covering her face.
Oh no...

"Jeongyeon, are you okay?" I saw a single tear stream running down.
She started to sob into her arms, I rubbed her back and even gave her a hug. When she finally calmed down she noticed what she was saying.
"Dammit, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."
"It's fine... Was that boy you told me... was that Daniel?" I asked softly.

Her head nodded slowly.
I knew it. I would ask why, but she was about to tell me.
"Since High School, it was always the both of us fighting who was the best. Then one day, he found out that I liked you, turns out he liked you as well. Not only we fought on disagreements, but we fought for your love in a sense." She paused, "I hated him because... I just hate seeing you with someone else especially Daniel. I felt compelled to win over you. That's why I confessed my love on your birthday."

It didn't end well as I took it, I remembered a boy appearing.
"Then Daniel showed up and you two had a fight." I added in.
"Yes, he confessed your feelings and you tried to stop us and in result of that... the pages of your diary were ripped out."


September 22nd 2016

I was on the floor, pages upon pages were ripped out, torn and thrown like confetti.
I looked up and saw two people next to me.
"Nayeon are you okay?" I heard Jeongyeon's voice.
"Nice job bad girl, this is your fault!" Another was a manly voice, knowing it was Daniel.
"My fault, you're the one who punched first." She growled.
They were both about to brawl.

"Stop fighting... that's enough." I said wearily, "Please... I want to stop this..." I took a deep breath.
"I'm not accepting anyone's confession. Just please stop fighting..."

Flashback End

The bell rang.
Jeongyeon has already wiped her tears away.
"I'll talk to you about it later."
She left the room, I felt really guilty for snapping at her and making her cry like that.
I let everything go for the six hours and left to go to the car.
Inside the car were Jihyo and Jeongyeon, I felt awkward to open the door, but I sucked it up and went in.

We sat in silence as Jihyo started the car, I saw her eyes linger in the rear view mirror.
"Ill leave you guys alone when we get home. I'm sure you're both on edge." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion, and then I realised, "You know what's happening, Jeongyeon told you."
"I told Jihyo about Daniel and me. She caught on and I just told her about our past." Jeongyeon said.
"Then, how about me?" I said, "Why won't you tell me?"

Jeongyeon sighed, "I didn't want you to worry and I'll explain fully what happened when we get home."
Jihyo smiled as she started to drive, "You two have to settle this like adults."
I took Jeongyeon's word and waited until we got home.
We locked the door on our bedroom door and sat down and properly talked.
"First things first, I'm so sorry again. I didn't want you to be a part of this, but it only made it worse trying to keep it a hidden." Jeongyeon said.
"I forgive you... just tell me the truth."

Jeongyeon nodded, "When I saw he was a new teacher, I became defensive and everything that I hated of him came back to me. We both hadn't forgotten about our past and he wanted to get you back."
I laughed nervously.
"That's why he tried to get closer to you. I arranged meetings with him to back off, but he refused. Then, that's when Jihyo started to ask me what's wrong. So I told her and I figured out that she liked Daniel and she wanted give it a shot to win him over."

"Wait? Does Daniel like me or Jihyo?" I questioned.
"Quite confusing, but he adores Jihyo and is still in love with you." Jeongyeon sighed.
"Wow, love is quite a strong word." I rolled my eyes.
"He's still not over you after all these years, how can you not be weirded out by that?"
I shrugged.

Jeongyeon continued, "What I'm saying is that you have to keep away from him, I don't want you to get involved with our quarrel again." She placed her hands onto mine, soothing the thoughts in my head.
"Yeah, and thanks for explaining. I appreciate how hard it is."
She smiled and laid on the bed.
I could feel how exhausted she was as she let out a long sigh.

For all these years my memories became clearer and clearer by day. Retrieval cues were the source of my outcome. Yet I felt quite anxious, there's one more school week until Winter break and I don't know how to feel when Daniel and Jeongyeon's rivalry was taking place. Moreover, I knew something would go wrong, our teacher Christmas dinner was on the last day of term and I'm scared on what they will both do when they see each other.

Thank you for 1k!!

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