13) The Question

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I tried to block all the thoughts in my head, it was getting too much that I almost had a migraine. No worries, I'll try to make it all sense. I need to know what happened and I know I will.

When I arrived at my classroom someone was already in there.
"Morning, sorry if I'm intruding, I just wanted to talk to you." It was Daniel, I wasn't surprised he was there, but quite cautious. That gave me an idea, what if I somehow got Jihyo and Daniel together.
"Oh it's fine, you're welcome anytime except during lesson of course." I replied.
He traversed through the desks and finally to mine, I watched his every move. I didn't quite know what he was doing.

"You're still a perfectionist I see." He spoke.
I looked at my desk, all folders and work papers were all in a neat pile, organised in my own way.
"I guess I am."
"Can I ask about one thing from the past?" His eyes shifted away.
"Sure, what is it?" I sat back onto my chair.
"Do you... remember... uh..."
I waited for him to finish.
"You know what, it's not a good time ask right now." He smiled as he looked towards the door, "Your girlfriend is already here."
I guess my plan for him to meet with Jihyo failed.

He went towards the door as they both stopped next to each other, I didn't hear what they were saying so kept no mind of that.
Jeongyeon pulled me into an arms embrace as soon as he left.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I... just came up to check on you." She said, "Thought you may need support from the trauma that I put you through yesterday."
It wasn't her fault for reminding that horror of an accident. Memories come and go, for me they suddenly appear out of nowhere.

"It's fine, you don't have to be sorry." I assured her.
"Okay, good. I'm glad." She leant in and kissed on my cheek, the bell rang just on time.
I dismissed her and was ready for my first lesson.
When lunch arrived, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and I were together in the first time this week in the staff room . Jihyo finally finished off her paper work and instead of spending her break alone in her office, she spent it with us.
"Good to finally have you here." Jeongyeon smiled and patted her shoulder.
"It's only a matter of time where you I won't be here." Jihyo laughed, we kept sipping on our large mugs filled with coffee and realised that it was empty.

I offered to refill and so I took their mugs and walked over to the coffee maker. That coffee maker was not school properties, after the whole debacle of rotten coffee. Jihyo insisted to get a new one, when Mr Oh approved, we were all excited to finally have a brand new one.
My obsession with this coffee maker is more insane that most people's. Either way, we love it.
I filled my mug first up to the brim as I was stopped again by Daniel. He always caught my attention, I have no idea why?

"Afternoon Miss Im." He placed his mug onto the counter.
"Afternoon, you seem happy now." I said, noticing the bright smile on his face.
"Yeah, Jihyo asked me on a date."
"Really?" I gasped like an idiot, catching attention to some staff.
"I'm very happy about that." I cheered, I guess my plan worked after all.
"Oh right, I wanted to ask you something."

"Go for it." I smiled.
He nodded l, "Do you... remember our school dance?"
"Ah yes."
"I just wanted to say how pretty you were." He whispered, "Back then you always caught my eye."
I laughed, thinking he was joking on flattering me.
He joined in, "You're quite cute you know." He smiled, I took it very friendly. It was sweet of him.

"Thanks, I know." I played along with the compliments.
He leant and was close to my face.
"Such a shame Jeongyeon got to you before I did. Remember? Short... bunny?"
I stopped... bunny? The only person who calls me that is Jeongyeon...
Sure he was friends with us but... short bunny...

"Hey short bunny! I'm better than her!"

'A little boy calling that to... me. Daniel are you—.'
But before I could finish my thought, Jeongyeon dragged me out of the staff room and into a random classroom.
"Hey, Nayeon—."
I couldn't focus on what she was saying, Daniel was all in my head. I kept looking through the window just to see Jihyo talking to Daniel. All I could think about was that name... 'Short bunny.'
That little boy must be him, right?

H-He... was the one who fought Jeongyeon on my birthday.
It must be him right?!
Unless I'm wrong—
"Why are you looking at him that way?" I froze as Jeongyeon kept shaking me. I could feel her anger.
"Why aren't you listening to me?" She huffed.
"Do you not love me anymore?"

That's what broke my trance, I looked back at her face who was in deep distress and pure jealousy showed very clearly. This rivalry that Daniel and Jeongyeon have... a fight.
That's what went down on my birthday... the pages were ripped just because of this selfish tomfoolery.

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