8) What's Wrong?

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A week had passed and I'm still concerned with Jeongyeon. She hasn't been much herself, she's never around me that much at work.
I guess it is because of our heavy schedules, and yet I think it's connected with Kang Daniel. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, but I don't know why Jeongyeon has this weird relationship with him... I don't know how to explain to.

It's whenever Jeongyeon isn't with me, Daniel seems to always come up to me and vice versa. They may have been avoiding each other, but I keep seeing them making these eye communication. This whole situation is getting out of hand.

For instance, when Jeongyeon was going to her office and as she left, Daniel pops out of nowhere. Then later when it was our break, when Daniel left Jeongyeon somehow comes at the right time. Call it coincidence, but something is up.

I had to be relieved so I went to Jihyo's office, when I had a lesson off, which was one of the most spacious ones I've seen.
"You seem stressed." Jihyo spoke as soon as she saw me.
"Great, you can tell." I sighed and lazily sat in a chair.
"So, tell me. What's wrong?" She leant forward on her desk and listened to me like a therapist would.

I took a deep breath and told her.
"There's a weird thing going between Jeongyeon and Daniel, I don't want to intrude, but I just feel strange."
Jihyo mumbled and nodded, "You think Jeongyeon's cheating on you?" She said it nonchalantly.
"What?! No of course not, I just sense some kind of a bad history or some sorts."
She laughed at me, "If it's between the two of them, it's their problem. Not yours."

I felt a slight relief from my chest, maybe they were just conversing most of the time. She would never cheat on me... right?

And yet the thought kept circling my mind right up until we got home. Of course, Jeongyeon saw right through me.
"What's wrong?" She asked whilst hanging up her coat.
"I just need some time for myself." I said.
"Okay, I'll tell Jihyo that we'll leave you alone for a while—."
I cut her off.
"I want to go outside... alone. If that's okay?"
She looked hesitant, "Sure, be back soon."
I nodded and got myself some fresh air, away from the house. It's only myself, no one was around.

I stopped a few blocks of walking, I tried to keep myself sane. Thinking over and over again that Jeongyeon isn't cheating on me.
I kept repeating it that I wanted it to be true, I just hope it is.
She's not cheating on me, please let me be right.

"You okay there?"
I heard a voice behind me.
"Daniel, didn't know that you were here." I smiled as soon as I saw him.
"I was going for a walk, that's when I saw you." Thought you might want company." He said.
"Well... I thought I wanted to be alone, but having you here does make it feel much better."
He chuckled, "See, everybody needs company." He paused, "So what about yours? Are they annoying you?"

"You mean Jihyo and Jeongyeon. They're fine, I just need my own time." I sighed.
"You were always calm when you were in Middle school." He said.
That reminded me, if he knew me and Jeongyeon before, it wouldn't hurt to ask the past.
"Middle school? How were we, the three of us."
"Ah, you, Jeongyeon and I were really good friends, but we did lose touch after the incident... Uh... you two were... close.... very close." He quietly said.
"You were always writing in that diary of yours."

I nodded, "Yes. Sadly, some pages were ripped out. Don't know why though."
He paused for a moment, "Right... maybe something happened... a bully maybe?"
I shrugged, I had no idea.
"Well..." He cleared his throat, "It's getting late."
"Yes, I'll see you at work." I smiled and watched him leave.

I think that went well.

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