15) Fight Your Problems Away

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For the last few days if school term, everything was fine, but there's always the calm before the storm. It was the last day and it was the teachers Christmas dinner. This was our first time attending. The last 4 months were hectic for us newbies.
Quickly, we adapted and the staff helped us to get settled. Though, I wasn't worried about the day, I was more worried as Daniel sat opposite me with Jihyo next to him.

Jeongyeon couldn't take her glaring eyes at him, I sometimes nudged her to not make it seem obvious, but it was hard to miss.
To relieve the tension, Mr Oh raised his glass and prepared his toast.
"I want everyone's attention."
Everyone looked in his direction.
"Another good year and I want to thank all the teachers and staff, you have all worked hard especially to those who are new. Miss Yoo, Miss Im, Mr Kang and last but not least Miss Park who has been especially brilliant." He cheered as we all joined in. It was a nice speech, he finally acknowledged Jihyo's hard work.
I saw it on her face how honoured it was to be mentioned.

"Now let's all eat."
The whole room became a ramble, everyone was talking and laughing as friends should be. They were all riled up for the whole night, the food was delicious and the jokes were tacky. But overall, the dinner became one of the best moments as a teachers
As I thought that, I knew something would go wrong... and it did.

Daniel came and sat next to me as we were starting to get our desserts.
At that time, Jeongyeon left to go to the bathroom and Jihyo was roaming around the room.
"Happy almost Christmas." He smiled.
I played off friendly, "You too."
He leaned in close to me.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I heard Jeongyeon's growl.
She pushed him out of the seat.
"I don't know why we to be violent." Daniel chuckled.

Everyone was watching.
"If I was you, you'd better stop making moves on my girlfriend." Jeongyeon huffed.
"Who said I was? Are you jealous?" He scoffed as he snickered under his breath.
That's what got to Jeongyeon, she snapped and lunged towards him striking him in his face. Then, she pushed him into the wall as other teachers ran to stop the fight.

"I've had enough of you." Jeongyeon shouted, the teachers try to pry her off him, but she kept her strong grip.
"Stop it both of you!" Mr Oh called, but they didn't care.
Daniel pushed Jeongyeon away, the other teachers restrained their movements.
"This is your fault, you're the reason why she lost her memories. You could have killed her!" Daniel pointed.
Jeongyeon escaped from their restraint, she had enough, I could feel her hatred.
She ran full speed right at him, but Jihyo stopped her just in time.

"Jeongyeon stop—." Jihyo said, but as Jeongyeon swung her hand, it was directed to Jihyo.
It was an accident, I know, but she punched Jihyo so hard that she fell onto the floor. Her nose was bleeding.
I rushed over to Jihyo with tissues, I could see Jeongyeon's face shocked expression. She didn't meant it, I know.
But no one would know what she could have done if she attacked Daniel.

I pulled Jeongyeon to one side as the staff took care of Jihyo. It was that bad that an ambulance was called.
We were allowed to ride within the vehicle, I still kept Jeongyeon comforted. She knew she wouldn't hurt her own friend, I could almost feel the guilt she was feeling.
When we arrived, we waited for a while. We hoped that she would be alright, just an injury.
In the waiting room, I tried to talk to Jeongyeon.
"She'll be okay." I said.
"I know... but I hit her... I didn't mean to." She shook her head.
"You have to stop this rivalry, this has gone on for far too long, don't you think?" I asked.

"B-but... I'm just afraid I'll lose you again."
"I love you, remember? I won't leave you." I smiled, "And it's not your fault for the accident."
Jeongyeon nodded and nuzzled into my lap like a puppy.
The doctor let us see Jihyo and luckily, nothing was broken, but Jihyo did have a nose plaster.
"I'm so sorry..." Jeongyeon slowly moved towards her bed.
"You better be, I saved you from being sacked." Jihyo chuckled.
"You really didn't have to." Jeongyeon smiled.
"Yeah... but you'll only be saved if you do one thing."
What was it?
"If you you and Daniel make up and put all the past away." Jihyo said.

Jeongyeon hesitated for a moment.
"Will that be okay?" Jihyo questioned.
I gave her a look of encouragement, gladly it helped.
"Yes, I will."
We stayed until Jihyo had been discharged, just an injury nothing too serious.
We got home and relaxed, that day had been draining to say the most. Jeongyeon never let my hand go, she was embarrassed for what she had done and I do feel for her.

Then, a knock came to the door. We all kinda knew who it was. I got up and opened the door, there stood Daniel with his face all bruised up.
"Hi... can I speak to Jihyo?" He said.
I opened the door widely as Jihyo stepped out, closing the door behind her for privacy.
"Do you think Jihyo will be okay?" I asked.
"Like I said, he adores her. But can't get over you." Jeongyeon sighed.

I sat next to her and kept holding her hand.
"Why? Why does he still keep this grudge?" I said, she didn't move.
"He told me a few days ago that he blamed himself for your accident." She said.
"Him? Why would he blame himself? He wasn't there— unless..." I stopped.
"The car that hit you was his parents' car."
I shook my head, "Then why would he be angry at you."

"It's because we didn't have a good time finishing things off. After your birthday, I tried to end the conflict, but he kept declaring he would win and I was just slowing him down. But I didn't want to lose and I didn't want you with him. So we had a massive fight. We could have broken each other's bones, but other people were there. I remember the last thing he said to me, 'I'll never forget this, you'll always be my enemy'." She explained.

I vaguely recalled it.
"I think you were there when I was at the hospital."
She was right, I remembered my parents getting a call from Mrs Yoo. I wondered what was happening.


I was worried, why did Jeongyeon's mother call us from the hospital? I thought of so many scenarios in my head, all were dark. I finally stopped when I saw her. She was with her parents and a nurse who was fixing her cast.
"Jeongyeon!" I shouted and ran up to her, "What happened?"
She was hesitant at first as her parents were still around.
They left with the nurse and my parents, leaving us alone.

"What happened?" I asked again.
"What do you think? Daniel happened." She scoffed.
"You two fought again?" To be honest I wasn't that surprised.
"Yes, he still thinks he can beat me. But I won't let him have you." Jeongyeon smiled.
"T-That's sweet... but you two should figure it out." I said.
"If it was that easy, he called me his enemy."
"Enemy?" I questioned, "Sounds a bit too much, doesn't it?"
"Not for him, we'll never be on the same page nor will we ever be friends."

Flashback End

They truly didn't like each other all because of me. I sometimes wonder if I'm too pretty for the world... I'm joking, but two people liking me could cause all of this.
I find it hard to believe.
But I know that they will make up and stop this nonsense, it'll take the bravest to stand up first.

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