ch | 32

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Chapter 32Ho Ho Ho, Hoe.

Shocking, but at four in the morning, you woke up from your sleep to go to Nayeon's room. Willingly, by the way. That was because you wanted to avoid getting caught sleeping together with Min Yoongi by your entire family. You just saved yourself from the awkward stares and disturbing questions. After all, who doesn't suspect two opposite sexes in one room?

Other than that, Yoongi stayed with his words. He didn't touch you nor invade your part of the bed. He only slept still on his side and tightly hugged a big fluffly pillow for support.

He didn't wake up when you got out of bed but he did move a little to stretch his feet.

You left your room and slowly closed the door without making a sound. Nayeon's room was across yours and to your surprise at four in the morning, she was wide awake and in the middle of a facetime call with her boyfriend.

When she saw you, she scooted over to the side of her bed and made space for you to sleep in. You immediately plopped on the soft surface and sunk yourself under the covers to continue your slumber. 

8 AM

You just felt like waking up. That's why you opened your eyes even though the curtains weren't drawn which meant the room was perfectly dim to continue resting but your body felt otherwise.

Nayeon was in deep sleep beside you. You decided not to wake her up because she deserved the rest from all the videocalling that ended two hours ago.

You borrowed your sister's comb and fixed your messy hair before you went to your room to brush your teeth.

It would be embarrasing if people got a whiff of your morning breath. Now that Yoongi is here, it's utterly dangerous. You'll die from humiliation.

When you entered your room, the bed was empty and made and there was no sight of him which meant he was already downstairs.

You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth before you head down for breakfast.

Yoongi, together with your parents, were on the table eating the first meal of the day which consisted of the classic savory breakfast menu: eggs and sausages.

"Good morning, darling!" Mother exclaimed and pushed back a chair for you. You gladly sat on it and your parents were back to their conversation.

"Morning." Yoongi said, raspy-voiced. He smiled attractively.

Not that it was sexy or anything. Right?

You forced a smile and harshly gulped down your first bite of eggs.

"Yoongi was just telling us that both of you will be out delivering gifts today." Father said and your eyes go wide.

You looked at Yoongi. "We are?"

He nodded with his eyes closed and a close-lipped smile.

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