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|Fear of Thunder and Lightning|
Quinton x Kio

"Kio please! It's gonna start soon and I don't wanna be alone when it does!" Quinton pleas, inhaling shakily from trying not to cry.

"Baby nothing's gonna hurt you. I'm almost done my paper and once I'm finished I'll be by your side all night." Kio reassures the fragile boy in front of him. Quinton has always had a fear of thunderstorms, more then the normal person and he's freaking out from the rainy weather outside.

A loud gust of wind is heard outside and a tree branch smacking the window. Kio hears a squeal and a body collide into his lap, the air is knocked out of him, making him gasp for air.

"Baby." Kio says slowly, hearing sobs come from his partner and salty tears landing on his shirt. "You're okay, I'm here."

Kio sighs, placing his arms around the shaking boy and lifting him so his heads on his shoulder. Kio rubs up and down his back, kissing his head over and over again and whispering sweet nothings into his ear.


Twenty minutes has gone by and Kio has just finished the paper that's due tomorrow, exiting out of all his tabs on his laptop. Quinton hasn't detached himself from the black haired boy the whole time and has remained calm for the most part. The storm hasn't even started yet with only light rain and wind pushing the leaves around.

That all changes very fast. Big gushes of wind can be heard outside and the rain shoots down like bullets. Kio curses the weather and tightens his grip around Quinton, slowly standing up and making his way to their bed. The younger whines quietly and clings to Kio, not wanting to get dropped and also not wanting to be left alone.

"Kio, I'm scared." Quinton whispers, voice just being loud enough for his lover to hear.

"I know Q, but I'm here and nothing bad is gonna happen. I love you." Kio smiles down at Quinton once the pair has gotten comfy under the bedsheets. Kio's arms are slung over Quinton's waist and Quinton is hugging his partners body for dear life.

The younger feels safe in his boyfriends arms and relaxes with each breath he takes, everything feels okay until Quinton is a sobbing mess from a loud bang outside. Kio sees a flash of light from the window before another loud crack in the sky is heard. The older of the two shushes the crying boy, smoothing his hand over Quinton's hair and wiping his tears.

"It's okay, I'm here, everything's gonna be fine." Kio whispers, hugging the frightened boy.

"T-thank y-y-you." Quinton cries, hugging Kio's waist tighter and wiping his runny nose on his sleeve. Kio smiles down at him and kisses his forehead, the two both knowing that the storm will end soon and they'll be happily asleep in each other's hold.

(490 words)

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