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|Fear of Darkness|
Kio x Bryce

The sun has just set and a pair of boys are walking down the quiet street, one boy being completely fine and the other being frightened to death from the darkening sky.

"Bry? A-are we almost h-home?" The black haired boy whispers, his arms tightly wrapped around the taller of the two's arm.

"Yes baby, we're almost home, want me to carry you?" Bryce asks, looking down at the shaking boy by his side.

Kio shakes his head rapidly and jumps on Bryce's back, catching the brown haired boy off guard and almost face planting into the ground. Kio mumbles a quiet apology before burying his face in Bryce's shoulder, the hood of Bryce's hoodie hiding half of his face.

Bryce chuckles before starting the ten minute walk back home to their apartment. Kio has calmed down and has relaxed in Bryce's hold, the light from passing buildings and street lamps soothing him into a stat of peace. The taller sighs happily and lifts Kio's legs higher so he doesn't fall down, the sound of people's T.V's and cars in the distance can be heard before a spark of electricity bounces through the streets.

The street lamps are turning off rapidly, the apartment lights flicking off right after, engulfing the city in darkness. Kio visibly stiffens and his mind clouds with worry, shushing can be heard vaguely before he's lifted off of Bryce's back. Bryce quickly picks up Kio again, letting the boy wrap his legs around his torso and arms around his neck.

"Kio, can you look at me? Everything's fine just focus on me." Bryce whispers quietly, scared to talk normally from the fragile boy in front of him. He starts speed walking to their place, not wanting Kio to freak out more then he already is.

"B-bryce," Kio whines, tears overflowing his eyes and running down his cheeks carelessly. His body shakes with sobs and he looks around frantically at the darkness closing in on him, feeling like the world is ending and suffocating his body.

"Kio please just focus on me, we're almost home. Look at me baby." Bryce's sentence breathy with nerves from his partner in stress. Kio flicks his eyes towards Bryce's and wipes his tears with the back of his hand, trying to copy his breathing like Bryce's.

Bryce makes it to their door and pulls out his keys, slipping the key in the lock and kicking the door open after. He kicks the door closed and walks to their shared bedroom, setting Kio down slowly and pulling out his phone, turning on the flashlight as quickly as possible. He hands it to a shaking Kio and runs to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of candles and a lighter.

"Bryce! Please help!" Kio cries out with fear, backing up to the wall, the bedsheets moving underneath his weight.

"Baby you're okay, you're safe!" Bryce frantically shouts, running back into the bedroom and getting blinded by a flashlight. Kio screams with fear from the moving shadow before he flashes the light on a sweaty Bryce.

Bryce slowly moves towards Kio and sits on the bed, quickly getting tackled by the smaller boy. The flashlight lighting up the ceiling in a white glow, before Bryce starts lighting the candles and slowly moving out of Kio's grip to place them around the room.

He walks back over to the black haired boy and takes both their shoes off, getting under the covers and striping to his boxers, Kio following his actions. Bryce chuckles once Kio has latched himself back to his side, the black haired boy sighing deeply from exhaustion.

Bryce reaches down and wipes his lovers tear stained cheeks before planting a kiss to his forehead, then nose, then lips. Kio finally calm from his fear stated mind.

(641 words)

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