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|Fear of Snow|
Griffin x Kio

"This can't be happening!" Griffin shouts looking out the foggy window at the tiny white specks painting the front yard. A laugh is heard from behind him and Kio comes skipping to the window, looking out at the soon to be winter wonderland.

"It's so pretty! We definitely don't have this in LA, I missed the snow." Kio sighs happily, turning to look at the taller boy beside him. Griffin's face is twisted in discomfort and uncertainty, making Kio giggle quietly. "Is the big tough Griffin scared of a little snow?"

"No." Griffin states firmly, giving Kio a glare and walking back over to Kio's parents couch, taking a seat on the comfy cushions.

"Sureeee, well if you're not scared wanna go play in it when there's enough built up?" Kio questions, wanting to see how far Griffin will go until he breaks and runs away. Griffin gives a shaky nod before pulling out his phone and moving his gaze onto the bright screen.


"Come on Griffey, it's time to build snowmen!" Kio sings, skipping to the front door to the best of his ability in his winter clothes. Griffin trailing slowly behind the excited boy with a sad look on his face, Kio gives him a reassuring look and speaks up after a minute. "If you don't want to then we don't have too."

"No, I'll be fine, let's g-go!" Griffin says, faking enthusiasm for Kio's happiness. Kio smirks and opens the door, pulling Griffin into the open and pushing him into the fluffy snow. Kio steps to the side just waiting for Griffin to run inside, it's a little mean that he made Griffin do this, but it's so funny to see him freak out.

Griffin tenses up in the white powder, trying his hardest to not freak out. Pretending that he's just laying on grass and not on white hell that could swallow him at any moment. Griffin moves slightly and he feels the snow brush at his hand, making him jump up with a yelp and start running to the door.

"I'm sorry! I can't!" Griffin shouts over his shoulder, shaking his boots and winter coat off before running to the guest bedroom. Kio has a laughing fit, falling into the snow and making a quick snow angel before standing up and running after Griffin.

Kio shakes off his coat and places it on a hook, yanking his boots and socks off as well. He quietly tip toes to the guest room they're staying in and cracks open the door slightly, seeing Griffin sprawled out across the bed with his head hide under a mound of pillows.

Kio runs and jumps on top of Griffin, his legs straddling his boyfriends waist once he's landed. A muffled groan can be heard under the pillows and Kio giggles before peeling the pillows off of Griffins face. Griffin's red cheeks are on full display along with messy brown locks stuck to his forehead.

"You were so brave bubba, I love you." Kio smiles, leaning down and peaking Griffin's lips once, twice, then one more time before pulling back up.

Griffin just grumbles, hooking his hand in Kio's hair and pulling him back down to kiss him properly. The two end up cuddling for the rest of the day until Kio's mum yells 'dinner'.

(560 words)

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