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|Fear of Clowns|
Ondreaz x Thomas

The two boys have just sat down at a local park, the swings swaying back and forth from the weight of their body's. The breeze lightly dusting over the silent playground, if you listen close enough you can here the laughter of kids walking the streets for candy.

"Why are we even here Thomas? It's Halloween and we're at a park, what if people kidnap us or scare us?" Ondreaz says worriedly, looking around the park out of nerves.

"Relax Dre, nothing's gonna get us." Thomas chuckles, shaking his head lightly and swinging over to hold his boyfriends hand. Thomas looks into the brown haired boys eyes and pecks his nose, making Ondreaz giggle and relax in the swing.

"So what do you wanna do?" Ondreaz questions, slipping his hand out of the tallers and starts to pump his legs, getting higher and higher into the sky with each kick. Thomas shrugs and copy's Ondreaz' actions, soon jumping off the swing and landing feet first onto the sand.

Thomas sees a flash of black hair behind his boyfriend, but Ondreaz jumps in front of him before he can see who it is. A pair of hands latch onto Ondreaz' shoulders, making him scream with fear and jump into Thomas' chest, a giggle is heard throughout the night sky.

"Sup guys! You like my costume!?" Avani yells, jumping up and down with excitement. Anthony and the Sway boys can be seen behind her, looking amused with what's going on in front of them. Ondreaz puts his hand on his chest and exhales loudly before speaking.

"You almost gave me a hea," Ondreaz starts, before stopping mid sentence once he's looked up to see Avani's costume. The red and blue stripes slicing through her eyes and the chains hanging off her cheeks in the most gruesome way possible, the makeup was amazing but Ondreaz has been afraid of clowns since he was little.

The brunette was stuck in place with fear, his eyes becoming glossy and his vision blurring with tears. Thomas sees the change in attitude from his boyfriend and places his hand on his shoulder, shaking him lightly to get him out of his trance.

"Do I look that bad?" Avani jokes to try and lighten the mood, but Ondreaz just shakes his head violently and starts backing up.

"Ondreaz!" Thomas shouts, when he sees Ondreaz trip and almost land on his butt. The taller runs over to his partner and stops him from going anywhere, placing his hands on the smaller's waist, trying to comfort the scared boy.

"I-I," Ondreaz tries to speak but only stutters spew out and he places his hands on Thomas' chest, gripping onto his shirt, seeking any comfort from his boyfriend.

"Shh, it's fine, you're fine." Thomas shushes the stuttering boy and slides his hand onto Ondreaz' cheek, caressing the soft skin in his hold.

"I-I'm sorry, I h-hate clowns." Ondreaz hiccups, letting his hands slide up and down Thomas' chest. Avani can hear their conversation and makes an 'oh' face, turning towards Anthony and walking over to him.

"Sorry Ondreaz! If I knew you didn't like clowns, I wouldn't have come and bothered you!" Avani shouts from across the park, not wanting to scare Ondreaz anymore then she already had.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't know! It's fine, just don't show me anymore c-clowns!" Ondreaz shouts back, leaning his head on Thomas' chest, feeling kisses being planted onto his head.

"Okay, well see you guys later." Avani shouts, waving bye to Thomas once he's turned his head to look at the group of people, waving back before they disappear down the street.

"They're gone now, you can let go." Thomas laughs, feeling Ondreaz' arms tighten around his torso. He lifts Ondreaz' head out of his chest and places a quick kiss onto his lips.

"We should have stayed home like Noah and Kio." Ondreaz states, making both of them laugh lightly.

"Maybe we should have."

(671 words)

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