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|Fear of Snakes|
Quinton x Tayler

"Just a couple more steps Q." Tayler says, lightly grabbing onto Quintons waist to guide him through the living room.

The pair stops and Quinton whines, terrified to what he's gonna see. Alex is shooting a video and they wanted Quinton in a blindfold, laying on the floor. The black haired boy refused at first but Tayler gave him his best puppy dog eyes and he couldn't not do what Tayler asked, god, he has really got Quinton wrapped around his finger.

"Okay, I'm gonna help you sit down." Tayler says, looking over at Alex and another person, nodding at them that Quinton's ready once he's laying on the ground. "I'm gonna let go, okay?"

"No!" Quinton whines, squeezing Tayler's hand harder so he won't go.

"Quin, you're gonna be fine." Tayler reassures, slipping out of Quintons death grip and stepping back.

Alex points the camera at Quinton and signals the 'zoo keeper?' to bring the giant snake over. They quietly place it beside Quinton and take a step back, the snake slithering closer to Quintons head.

"Take off the blindfold!" Alex shouts, scaring Kouvr and Quinton from the loud noise. Quinton hesitates but complies anyway, slowly lifting the piece of fabric off his eyes and looking down.

A piercing scream echos throughout the room, Quinton scurrying to get up off the floor and run out the room. Tayler grabs ahold of the shorter boys waist and pulls him into his chest, whispering soothing things in Quintons ear.

"Get me out of this room!" Quinton screams, hitting Tayler's chest and escaping from his grasp. Running out of the room and down the stairs, bursting through the front door and feeling the cool air hit his face.

"Quinton wait!" Tayler yells, running down the stairs and to the front door, seeing Quinton curled up in a ball on one of the steps. "Baby."

"Pl-ease, please, please, don't m-make me g-go back in th-there." Quinton sobs, looking up at Tayler with puffy eyes and tears staining his cheeks.

"Don't worry, you don't have to go back in there. I'm sorry baby." Tayler whispers, sitting next to Quinton and wrapping his arms around the younger boys waist.

"O-okay." Quinton sniffles, burying his face in Tayler's hoodie and wrapping his arms around the taller boys waist.

"I love you Q."

"I love you too."

(400 words)

I just had the shit scared out of me. My books weren't appearing and I thought wattpad deleted them! I would have cried so hard.

Just saying I like snakes, but I tried to put the cutest looking snake at the top for anyone that doesn't like them.

PhoboPhobia- The fear of having a phobia. [Tik Tok bxb]Where stories live. Discover now