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|Fear of Needles or Injections|
Anthony x Jaden

"D-daddy! Please d-don't make m-me do t-this!" Little Anthony screams, stuttering from the sobs that are echoing through the doctors office. It was late at night so no one else was in the clinic, Anthony and Jaden being the last patients of the day.

"Baby it'll be two seconds, now please come on. We don't want the doctors to be late to get home, they have lives to and you need to get to bed." Jaden pleas, just wanting to go home and cuddle instead of a whiny and frustrating Anthony to deal with.

"No! I can't! It's t-to scary!" Anthony sobs, tears upon tears coming from the littles eyes. Anthony tries to get up and run to the door, but Jaden wraps his arms around the squirming boys waist and drags him into the room.

"Hi guys, it looks like someone is afraid to get a shot." The doctor smiles, rubbing her temple sleepily, stepping into the room after the pair and closing the door. Anthony's cries get louder and Jaden holds on tighter, sitting Anthony on the doctors table and holding him in place.

"Babyboy everything is gonna be fine." Jaden reassures in Anthony's ear, rubbing his sides up and down slowly. Anthony just cries into Jaden's shoulder, trying to wiggle out of his boyfriends hold and run out the door.

"Okay, this will be very fast and soon you'll be able to go home, but we need you to sit still." The doctor says, sinking the needle into the glass jar and pulling the substance into the needle before flicking the object like an evil horror movie.

Anthony stares wide eyed in horror and soon faints from fear. Jaden yells out in shock and scoops Anthony into his lap, feeling Anthony's pulse and sighing in relief. The doctor chuckles and steps closer, moving the needle closer to Anthony's arm before Jaden stops her.

"What are you doing?!" Jaden yells, placing his hand on Anthony's arm to keep her from injecting the needle.

"It's the perfect time to do it, he just fainted from fear, but if we do it now no ones gonna get hurt." The doctor explains, lowering the needle down to her side and looking at Jaden reassuringly.

Jaden just nods slowly, lowering his hand from Anthony's arm and kissing his head softly. Hoping Anthony won't wake up when the needle is in him. The doctor smiles and starts the process of getting the shot.

Two minutes later Anthony is already to go home.

"C-can we go home Daddy?" Anthony sniffles, looking up at Jaden from the doctors table before looking down at the circular bandage on his arm.

"Yes Babyboy, we can go home." Jaden laughs, planting kisses all over Anthony's face, making him giggle and push Jaden lightly. "Want McDonald's first?"

"Yes please!"

(483 words)

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