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|Fear of Water|
Nick x Tony

The Hype House members have just pulled up to the lake, the hot sun casting over the earth and not a cloud in sight. It was the perfect time to go swimming. Tony and Ondreaz step out of their car, walking to the trunk and pulling out a cooler and a bag for the boat.

Once everyone is gathered in a group they start walking to the boat, Nick and Mia trailing slowly behind the rest of them. Nick's actions and features give a clear sign that he's scared, as for Mia she has a sorrow look on her face being the only one that knows about Nick's fear.

She puts her hand on Nick's shoulder, feeling Nick jump from the sudden contact. Tony looks behind him to look for his boyfriend and sees Nick and Mia talking quietly, Mia's hand wrapped around Nick's arm. Tony slows down his pace and hears a little bit of what Mia's saying. "We don't have to go in."

Tony has a confused look on his face and stops walking completely, waiting for the pair to reach him. Nick sees Tony stop and looks up at him, holding eye contact while he makes his way over to him. Nick can't take the pressure and lunges into Tony's chest, wrapping his arms around the shorter boys waist, feeling Tony tense under his touch before carding his hand through the blondes hair.

"What's wrong baby?" Tony asks, feeling tears wet his bare chest and a shaking Nick in his hold. Nick just shakes his head and holds on tighter. Tony looks over at Mia and gives her a questioning look, making her sigh before speaking up.

"He's scared of the water. He didn't want to tell you because he thought it was embarrassing and you would laugh." Mia explains, seeing that everyone has stopped walking to look at the scene. She gives them a glare and starts walking towards them, shooing the group away. "I'll let you guys talk."

Tony looks back down at Nick and kisses his head, hooking his hands under the blondes thighs and pulling him up so Nick's legs are wrapped around his torso.

"I would never laugh at you Nick or make fun of you. We don't have to go in the water, we can go home or stay on the beach?" Tony suggests quietly, making Nick wipes his eyes and smile sadly.

"C-can we go h-home?" Nick asks, linking his hands into the hair at the back of Tony's neck.

"Yes Nicky, we can do that." Tony laughs, making Nick giggle quietly and kiss Tony's lips quickly.

"Thank you."

(446 words)

PhoboPhobia- The fear of having a phobia. [Tik Tok bxb]Where stories live. Discover now