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|Fear of Heights|
Bryce x Tayler

"Okay, I'm gonna put the headset on now." Tayler warns, Bryce nodding eagerly before standing still for Tayler to put the VR headset on. The wire is hooked up to the ceiling, making walking around much easier. The headset is tightened around Bryce's face and he can see colours explode in front of his eyes, all the pretty flowers scattered around the VR room.

"It's so pretty." Bryce mumbles with a grin on his face, Tayler smirks and clicks on the game that Bryce's gonna play, Plank Simulator, where you go up to a very tall building and walk a plank.

"Are you ready Babyboy?" Tayler smirks, seeing a light blush spread on Bryce's face before he nods slowly. Tayler clicks on the game and Bryce sees it loading in the headset, after a minute everything is loaded in and Bryce looks up at the blue sky.

"Why is it just blue skies? I can hear cars, is that normal?" Bryce questions, not looking down at the bustling street below him or the clouds underneath him.

"Bryce don't freak out, but look down." Tayler says cautiously, walking to stand beside the smaller boy incase he falls. Bryce slowly looks down and regretted it the moment he did, he screams and starts backing up, looking up at the blue sky again.

"Wait! Don't move!" Tayler shouts seeing the coffee table behind Bryce, he lunges forward and hooks his hand onto Bryce's arm, pulling him into his chest. Bryce's breathing is rigid and uneven, he's still looking up at the ceiling not wanting to look down at the fake streets.

Tayler cautiously takes the headset off and places it on the coffee table, moving to sit on the floor with a shaking Bryce in his lap. Bryce's eyes gloss over with tears and he pulls at his hair, trying to get the terrifying image out of his head.

"I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to make you this scared, if I knew you were afraid of heights I wouldn't have done that." Tayler says, looking down at his hands then back up to meet brown orbs. Bryce just nods, sinking into Tayler's chest and wrapping his arms around his waist, wanting to feel comfortable and safe.

"'s okay." Bryce mumbles, slurring his words together like a little kid from still being frightened. Tayler sighs, pulling Bryce closer to his chest and wrapping his arms around the brunettes shoulders, feeling him relax in his hold.

"How 'bout no more VR." Tayler states, kissing Bryce's forehead over and over again. Making the shorter giggle quietly before shaking his head 'yes'.

(442 words)

PhoboPhobia- The fear of having a phobia. [Tik Tok bxb]Where stories live. Discover now