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|Fear of Spiders|
Anthony x Josh

"Why did you have to put the camping stuff in the basement?" Anthony whines, crossing his arms over his chest and looking up at Josh.

"Because it's the only place to put it, now please help me move these boxes." Josh huffs, getting annoyed from all of Anthony's complaints. Anthony sighs, uncrossing his arms and walking towards Josh, lifting up a heavier box together.

"Wait, I see the tents! Just a couple more boxes." Anthony says, excitement building up knowing that he'll be able to leave the dark and moldy basement soon. Josh nods and picks up another box and turns back around to see a slab of concrete in front of the camping equipment. "Why is it so far back?"

"I must have thrown it, not knowing it went that far back." Josh sighed, scratching the back of his head in thought. "I would get it, but the space is to small. Anthony I would be in your debt if you got it for us."

Josh pleas, giving his best puppy dog eyes to the brown haired boy. Anthony sighs deeply knowing that one way or another he'll have to get the equipment. Anthony nods his head 'yes' and stands in front of the hole, Josh 'yay's' and walks behind Anthony kissing his cheek.

"I'll be behind you, so you can hand me the stuff." Josh smiles, and steps back so Anthony can crawl into the tight space. Anthony nods and faces back to the hole, before bending down and crawling in, the dust flying into his nose making him sneeze.

The next thing is a blur because once Anthony sneezes the air must have woken up a nest of baby spiders, the white demons crawling towards Anthony's face, while he stares in shock and horror. An ear piercing scream is heard throughout the neighbourhood and Anthony starts backing up and out of the hole, a spider has attached to his face and is crawling up his cheek.

Anthony makes it out of the hole, falling backwards onto his butt and smacking his face, in the process squishing the spider onto his face. Anthony screams again once he sees the cluster of spiders crawling out of the hole he was in not even five seconds ago, he feels a hand on his shoulder put shakes it off rapidly and stands up running upstairs to the bathroom.

Anthony strips off his clothes immediately and turns the shower on, stepping in even though the water is still cold and starts scrubbing at his itchy skin. The panic attack creeping into Anthony's actions, his intake of air is coming out in quick breaths and his eyes are filling with tears, the salty liquid running down his cheeks and getting replaced by the warm water.

Anthony curls in on himself and sinks to the shower floor, his hand digging in and out of his arm. The action soothing him from his anxiety and helping him calm down little by little.

"Anthony are you okay, I'm so sorry, if I knew there were spiders in there I wouldn't have made you go in. Can I come in?" Josh asks knocking on the door, his voice laced with worry and sadness.

Anthony nods before remembering Josh can't see him, he clears his throat quickly before responding,


Josh's worried face appears from behind the door and steps in, closing the door behind him. Josh quirks his eyebrow and Anthony nods softly, seeing Josh undress before stepping into the shower with him, sitting in front of the shorter boy.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Anthony smiles nervously, still replaying the event from earlier in his head over and over again. Josh leans in and places his lips on Anthony's, getting a giggle from the shorter.

(634 words)

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