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|Fear of Flying|
Jaden x Tayler

*Flight 207 is boarding in five minutes, please be ready at the front gate.*

"Tayler, are you sure we need to see your parents? Can't they come visit us instead?" Jaden questions with wide eyes, leg bouncing up and down nervously.

"Bub, we told them that we would go see them and we don't want to disappoint them, do we?" Tayler cocks his eyebrow, placing a hand on his fiancée's knee so it stops moving.

Jaden shakes his head in worry and looks down at Tayler's hand, placing his own on top. Tayler smiles at the action and pulls Jaden into his lap, Jaden squeaks and looks around nervously.

"Tayler people are around." Jaden pouts, trying to get out of the taller boys hold and back into his own uncomfortable seat. Tayler shrugs and places his hands on Jaden's waist, making the smaller stop his struggling.

"I know what can help you during the flight."

"What?" Jaden responds immediately, looking at Tayler with hopeful eyes. Tayler smiles and bends over to get a bottle out of his bag, the small pills rattling around in the blue bottle.

"Sleeping pills, it will relax you so you're not as nervous and uptight." Tayler says, snaking his arms back around Jaden's waist and handing him the bottle. Jaden starts to inspect the bottle and read the text before popping open the lid and dumping the respectful amount into his hand.

"Do we have any water?" Jaden asks, turning his head back to look at his fiancée, after intently looking at the pills.

"Ya, one sec." Tayler mumbles, reaching into his backpack once again and grabbing a water bottle for Jaden to use. "Here."

"Thanks." Jaden smiles, picking the water bottle from Tayler's hand and giving the sleeping pill bottle back to him. "Are you sure it will work?"

"Yes Jaden it will help, and if you're still scared I'll be there to comfort you. They'll start kicking in in about twenty minutes." Tayler says, rubbing Jaden's sides soothingly and placing his head on Jaden's shoulder.

Jaden nods slowly and brings the pills to his lips, placing them in his mouth and swallowing the water right after. He leans back in Tayler's hold and feels Tayler's lips connect to his cheek.

*Flight 207 is boarding now, please make your way to the front gate.*

Jaden's muscles tense in fear and his eyes widen with shock. He lets out a quiet whine and shakes with worry, all the possible outcomes the next three hours will bring flash through his mind, all of them ending badly. His eyes filling with tears and his hands feeling clammy from sweat.

"It's gonna be fine bub. I'll be with you the whole time." Tayler reassures, placing a gently kiss to Jaden's lips before standing up and moving Jaden to stand beside him. He picks up both their luggage and starts walking to the front gate with both their passports ready, a shaking Jaden right beside him.


Jaden's head slides to the side, making Tayler laugh quietly and place his hand on Jaden's. The sleeping pills took affect right after they got up in the air, Tayler wished they took affect before they took off, but that never happened. Resulting in his hand being red and hurt from how hard Jaden was gripping at it.

The sleeping boy now looked peaceful and relaxed unlike before with his fears swimming in his mind, his brain was cleared from the horrible thoughts roaming around. Tayler smiles at the cute boy and lets Jaden's head rest on his shoulder before he soon falls asleep too.

(607 words)

Thought I'd update because I'm bored and my guy friends are blasting music beside me.

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