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|Fear of Balloons|
Jaden x Bryce

Bryce and Jaden walk hand in hand through the fair grounds, hearing people scream on rides or excited children pulling their parents around. Jaden smiles over at Bryce and gives his hand a gentle squeeze, making Bryce look over at him and smile back.

"Where to next baby?" Bryce hums into Jaden's ear, making him giggle and look around. The shorter boy spots a Ferris Wheel with not many people in line, pointing at the ride excitedly, Jaden speaks up.

"Ferris Wheel?!"

Bryce laughs at his boyfriends behaviour but nods along, getting pulled through the crowd of people until their standing in line. Jaden looks up in awe at the ride, making an excited face at Bryce and squeezing the brunettes hand over and over again.

"Calm down Jay, it's not even a scary ride." Bryce huffs, starting to get a headache from Jaden's hyper mood.

"I know it's not a scary ride, but it's gonna be really pretty and I'm just excited to look at the city." Jaden whines, untangling his hand from Bryce's and looking around the fair again. "Do you think I have time to use the bathroom?"

"Probably, if you hurry then you'll be fine. I guess I'll wait in line?" Bryce asks, looking down the strip of dirt road towards the bathrooms.

"Yes, thank you!" Jaden says, giving Bryce a quick kiss on the lips before running out of the line and towards the bathrooms.

Jaden quickly does his business and washes his hands, stepping into the hot sun again and making his way back to Bryce. Jaden looks at another ride while he's walking, not noticing the thing in front of him. He collides into the colourful batch of balloons, the strings wrapping around his body once he starts freaking out.

The air bubbles make Jaden want to faint from fear, feeling like the balloons could just swallow him whole or attack him, which they are. Balloons are all around Jaden and he lets out a scream, feeling lightheaded and dizzy before he passes out on the dirt ground.


"Jaden! Wake up please." Bryce shouts, seeing Jaden's eyes open briefly, making Bryce let out a sigh of relief and relax his body.

Jaden flutters his eyes open again, getting use to the new lighting and looking around the new environment. Windows and seats coming into view.

"A-are we in a car?" Jaden questions, slowly sitting up to be resting on his elbows. Bryce grabs onto Jaden's hand and gives him a smile.

"Ya, I brought you to our car after you passed out. Are you okay, why did you pass out?" Bryce asks, voice laced with worry and sadness.

Jaden nods slowly and squeezes Bryce's hand in reassurance.

"W-well I walked into some b-balloons. I'm fine though, I just got scared." Jaden answers truthfully, his cheeks heating up with embarrassment from not telling anyone about his fear.

"What?" Bryce answers with a weird look on his face.

"I-I'm scared of balloons okay! I know it's stupid, but I can't help it!" Jaden shouts, trying to let go of Bryce's hand and get out of the car. Bryce wraps his arms around Jaden's waist before he can go anywhere though, pulling the blondes back into his chest.

"Don't be embarrassed baby, you could have told me. I wouldn't have made fun of you." Bryce says seriously, resting his head in between Jaden's shoulder and neck, kissing the sensitive skin.

"I know, I just never told anyone, so I thought it was pointless for you to know." Jaden sighs, cuddling into Bryce's chest and planting a kiss on Bryce's cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too Jay."

(620 words)

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