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|Fear of Animals|
Ryland x Ondreaz

"What's up guys! Today the Hype House is gonna go to a zoo, it sounds super lame, but we're gonna have challenges we have to complete in a limited amount of time." Thomas states, lifting his hands in the air to show the Zoo sign before continuing his explanation. "I'm joined by Ondreaz, Tony, Chase, Nick, Ryland, Charli, Avani, and Mia!"

They all wave happily except for Ryland, his wave lacking in happiness and fun. He's always had a fear of animals and tries to avoid them as much as possible, doing anything in his will power to walk a different way so they don't pass a pet store or a dog park. The fear has decided to nip him in the butt because now he's about to go into the place he never wanted to go to, the Zoo.

Thomas starts handing out notebooks and a pen to the partners that he has assigned, the partners being, Nick and Tony, Charli and Avani, Chase and Mia, and Ondreaz and Ryland. Ryland gets handed the supplies and Ondreaz comes walking over to him, taking the notebook from his hands and checking the challenges they'll have to accomplish.

"This is gonna be easy, are you ready Ryland?" Ondreaz questions, snapping Ryland out of his fear stated mind. What if the animals escape and start attacking people? What if I fall into an exhibit and get eaten? What if a monkey flings poo at me! (We love to see it😂)

"Y-ya! I'm ready." Ryland says, forcing a smile at the dancer before walking towards the Zoo with the others. Ondreaz can see that something's wrong and runs to walk beside Ryland, placing a hand on the blondes shoulder.

"Ry, are you okay? You look pale, are you sick because if you are we can go sit down and not do the challenges." Ondreaz states worriedly. Ryland's heart warms at the worried tone of his crush before stopping in his tracks seeing that they've made it to the first exhibit.

"I'm fine Dre, what's our first challenge?" Ryland brushes off Ondreaz' hand sadly and looks down at the notebook.


"Ryland! Please stop crying. You're okay." Ondreaz yells, scared at the way the taller is curled into a ball in the Zoo bathroom, crying his eyes out.

Ryland hates this place with a passion and he finally broke from all of the different animals around him. The birds freaked the crap out of him and the lions looked like they wanted to kill him, nothing looked peaceful in this hell hole. The blondes breathing is coming out in short huffs and the tears aren't stopping anytime soon.

Ondreaz thinks quickly and wraps his arms around Ryland's thin waist, pulling him into his lap and smoothing his hair. The taller cries into Ondreaz' shirt and grabs a fist full of cloth, wrinkling the fabric in the process. Ondreaz doesn't care though, all he cares about is calming the hyperventilating boy in his lap.

"Ryland please take deep breaths with me." Ondreaz pleads, lifting Ryland's face to see his tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. Nothings working and Ondreaz can only think of one thing.

"Baby please look at me, copy my breathing." Ondreaz says, seeing Ryland's eyes widen slightly and lift his head to lock eyes with Ondreaz'. "There, just copy my breathing now."

They both take deep breaths in, exhaling slowly afterwards. Ondreaz brings his hands up to wipe Ryland's cheeks, slowly leaning in and connecting their lips softly. Ryland pulls away first, from having to collect more oxygen before smiling down at Ondreaz.

"You like me?" Ryland questions, smirking from Ondreaz' tinted cheeks, of course his face already feels like it's on fire.

"Ya, but why were you so freaked out over a sloth?" Ondreaz asks, curiosity filling his features. Ryland sighs deeply, never wanting to tell people that he's scared of animals, but people would find out eventually so this is the best time.

Ondreaz nods slowly once Ryland has finished telling his story, looking up at Ryland with sympathy.

"Wanna get out of here and get ice cream?" Ondreaz questions, making Ryland laugh the first time today. After telling Ondreaz about his biggest fear and having a mental breakdown in a Zoo bathroom, all he does is ask if they wanna get ice cream. And this is way Ryland likes the shorter boy.

(738 words)

Sorry I haven't posted recently but I was camping. Anyway this is the last one shot of this book which means....... this book is complete!

Thanks for all the nice comments and votes❤️

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