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|Fear of Illness|
Josh x Griffin

"We need to go back now! What if I have Covid or heart problems!" Josh yells worriedly, looking over at Griffin with wide eyes.

"Josh you just sneezed, nothing is wrong with you. I just picked you up from the hospital and they said you don't have to worry about anything, you're a hundred percent healthy." Griffin sighs, placing a hand on his boyfriends thigh from the drivers seat.

Josh nods slowly, like he's processing what the brunette just said. Griffin takes a deep breath, looking Josh in the eyes so he follows his actions, Josh doing the same thing right after. Griffin nods, turning to face the road and start the car up, leaving the hospitals parking lot right after.

"Wait, but what if-" Josh starts, but gets shushed right after, Griffin gives him a scolding look and Josh sighs, looking out the window.

"Stop worrying, you're fine in every way possible." Griffin says, letting his eyes drift to Josh before flicking them back onto the road so they don't crash.

Josh has a weird look on his face before a loud sneeze is heard in the car. Josh's eyes well up with tears, making Griffin panic and pull onto a one way road, parking the car on the side of the road.

"I'm gonna die Griffin! It's gonna happen soon!" Josh sobs, the tears coming down like waterfalls on his cheeks. Griffin grabs Josh's shoulders lightly, turning him in his seat to face the brunette.

"Stop it. You're not gonna die, you're fine. You're just paranoid, and I understand you have anxiety with illnesses, but you just sneezed J, you're gonna live." Griffin states, shaking Josh lightly so he understands he's not dying.

Josh just sobs into Griffin's chest, trying to control his hyper breathing and calm down. But all he can think about is all the diseases that he could have or could get in his life, so it just makes him cry harder.

Thirty minutes later Griffin's shirt is soaked and Josh has run out of tears, just sniffling into his partners chest and taking deep breaths.

"Wanna cuddle on the couch when we get home?" Griffin whispers in Josh's ear, making him laugh and lift his head to look at Griffin with puffy and red eyes.

"Yes, but I need hand sanitizer first." Josh whispers, looking around the car and wiping his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"In the glove compartment." Griffin says, pointing to the drawer in front of Josh. Josh opens it and finds the hand sanitizer, pulling it out and waving it around once he's found it.

"Thank you."

(444 words)

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