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|Fear of Confined or Crowded Places|
Jaden x Griffin

The music was pumping through the building, the strobe lights making the blonde dizzy. So many people jumping up and down to the beat, screams piercing the young boys ears. A singer sprints onto stage, starting to sing their first song of the night.

"Griffin!" Jaden shouts, looking through the crowd of people for the tall brunette. It wasn't the easiest though with tears making his vision blurry and the people pushing his small frame around. Griffin was the exact same shouting Jaden's name over the loud music, scared that his baby will get hurt or have a panic attack.

'Why'd Josh have to drag us to this damn concert! Now he's split me up from Jaden.' Griffin thinks in this mind, looking angrily around for the scared boy. He somehow spots a blonde headed boy in the crowd and starts pushing people out of the way to get to the person. Griffin looks down and sighs in relief to see his boyfriend in front of him, but his relief gets replaced with worry from the frightened look on his lovers face.

"Baby we need to leave now." Griffin states quickly, seeing the tears streaming down Jaden's face and his breathing turning rugged. Griffin scoops Jaden into his arms, making sure not to hit other people, before pushing people out of his way to get to the exit.

The two burst through the exit door, inhaling the cool air outside, it being mush nicer then the sweaty and warm air inside the concert hall. Griffin brings Jaden to a wall and sets him down on the concrete, sitting right beside him, Jaden quickly leaning into Griffin's side.

"Are you okay?" Griffin asks just above a whisper, like he's scared Jaden's gonna start crying if he startles him. Jaden nods slowly, letting out a much needed breath of oxygen before speaking up.

"I was worried I wouldn't find you." Jaden states, tears rolling down his cheeks and by his nose, grabbing onto Griffin's shirt. Griffin lifts the smaller fully onto his lap and wipes the salty tears away.

"I was too, but you're safe now. I'll call an Uber and we can go home." Griffin smiles, connecting their foreheads together, making Jaden giggle and relax in the taller boys hold.

"Yes please."

(389 words)

PhoboPhobia- The fear of having a phobia. [Tik Tok bxb]Where stories live. Discover now