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|Fear of Failure|
Noen x Chase

"I-I'm scared! Okay, I'm so fucking scared!" Noen shouts, his voice cracking from trying to hold back the tears. "I don't wanna mess up. I don't wanna disappoint anyone, I don't wanna be a burden to society! Everything I do feels like I'm being judged and I can't take it. I'm such a fuck up and you were the only one there for me, but you left me and I was all alone. I feel like I'm not enough for people sometimes and I can't change it, however hard I try, nothing changes. I'm just a stupid human that doesn't change however hard I try! I feel empty sometimes and I don't wanna do anything, I can't do anything, because I'm a failure, right? I don't wanna make people feel pressured to be my friend and then I feel like I'm losing my only true friends because I don't text back or call. I can't, because I don't have the motivation to do so and I don't wanna talk to anyone because I can't do anything! I've lost so many friends to my stupid brain, I push them away and they think I don't care anymore, they were probably only my friends at school because I hung out with them, they probably felt sorry for me because I'm such a failure! I overthink to much and mess up at normal human things, maybe I cry to much or never get enough sleep, maybe I feel sorry for myself. I don't wanna be a failure, but I can't help it, I'll always be a failure. I'm to socially awkward to meet new people or even talk to them, I can't do anything right! Because I'm scared."

Chase just stares at the broken boy in front of him, his own tears flowing down his face from the words that flooded out of his ex-boyfriends mouth. All he wants to do is engulf Noen in a warm hug, letting Noen's worries be his own, letting the shorter boy feel free. But that can't happen because he messed up and nothing will be the same again.

Failure was written into their relationship, making Noen scared of their love for each other since the start.

(377 words)

PhoboPhobia- The fear of having a phobia. [Tik Tok bxb]Where stories live. Discover now