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|Fear of Sleep|
Blake x Noah

Feeling light hit his face Blake looks over at the rising sun, the cool breeze rolling through his open window. Blake's blood shot eyes and dark under bags can identify that he's been awake all night and isn't planning on going to sleep the next night either.

The sleep deprived boy can already feel the anxiety rising at the thought of going to sleep the next night, all the creatures and the fear of being stuck in place scaring him more. Blake tries to lift his tired arm to grab water, but his weak muscles aren't enough and he gives up after the first try. He knows it's not good for him, to not drink or eat anything, but he's just to weak and helpless to do anything.

Slowly turning his aching head to the side, he sees the time, 8:49AM. The black haired boy groans softly, placing his hands on the bed and pushing up with all his might, failing multiple times before finally achieving the simple task. He gets a rush of nausea and sinks his head down, closing his eyes and slowly drifting to sleep from exhaustion.

A loud crash from downstairs makes Blake bolt awake and his anxiety at a peek from thinking it's one of the demons trying to get him. He hears laughter and relaxes knowing it's only the boys, but has a weird look on his face. Why are the boys up so early?

Blake turns his head once again to see the time has changed to 10:37AM, his eyes shoot open in shock and he lifts his hand to rub his eyes, making sure what he's reading is real. Blake lifts the blankets off carelessly and moves his feet to be dangling off his bed, the breeze from outside making his hair rise with goosebumps.

Blake sighs softly and stands up on shaky legs, wobbling to his bathroom and leaning against the counter for support. He looks at himself in the mirror, soon regretting doing it. His bloodshot eyes and messy hair, his skin pale like a vampire. He feels dirty and his mouth is dry so he turns around and starts the shower, making sure it's on a hot setting before striping of his clothes and stepping in.

After Blake's shower, he dries off and looks in the mirror again, seeing his now wet hair and slightly less bloodshot eyes stare back at him. He sighs softly and walks to get his phone with his towel wrapped around his waist, he sees the glass of water and chugs the last of it.

The black haired boy stumbles back into the bathroom and opens Spotify, clicking on his relaxing playlist to keep his mind focused on the music other then sleep. He hums quietly along to the song playing and starts brushing his teeth, feeling the disgusting taste in his mouth slowly disappear and leave his mouth once he's spit out the toothpaste.

Blake fixes his hair in the mirror and walks phone in hand to his dresser to grab his clothes for today. Slipping his boxers and shorts on Blake grabs his shirt and pulls it onto his body, snatching his socks from the ground and putting those on too. He's about to leave the room, but remembers the eye drops he takes to clear his bloodshot eyes and concealer to cover the bags under his eyes, he sighs and walks back into his bathroom.


Stepping into the kitchen Blake sees Tayler and Nate sitting at a table on their phones, Tayler's gaze lifts from his phone and sees Blake standing there.

"Hey man, what's good?" Tayler beams, flashing a smile and wave, soon Nate following his actions. Blake just smiles and shrugs his shoulders, walking over to the fridge and pulling out an apple.

"Nothing much, when did you guys get here?" Blake questions, moving to the sink to rinse the apple before taking a bite.

"About ten minutes ago, we're just waiting for Bryce to get ready then we're leaving again." Tayler says, looking back down at his phone.

"Actually Tayler just wanted to see his boyfriend and I'm being a third wheel." Nate says, shaking his head and laughing lightly.

"I don't know why you wanted to come with me." Tayler says, rolling his eyes and looking over at Nate. The pair start to bicker leaving Blake to just stand there and eat his apple.

Blake soon leaves the two after he finishes his apple and makes his way into the living room, plopping down on one of the couches. He pulls out his phone and scrolls through Tik Tok, finding nothing exciting and turning his phone off again. He tosses it to the side and leans his head back on the cushion, his eyes flick open and close trying to fight the sleep that's creeping up on him.

"Hey Blakey!" Someone says, making Blake open his eyes to see Noah leaning over him, eyes twinkling with happiness. Noah frowns seeing that something is wrong and walks around the couch to sit beside Blake. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine No." Blake mumbles, looking anywhere but the concerned boy to his right.

"You just look exhausted, why don't you go take a nap?" Noah suggests, placing his hand on Blake's knee in a comforting manner.

"No!" Blake yells, standing to his feet faster then necessary and getting a rush of dizziness. Noah stands up as well and steadies Blake's shaking body, placing his hands on Blake's shoulders.

"Sorry, you don't have to take a nap, but you should sit down. I can go get water for you or we can watch something." Noah says, flashing his puppy dog eyes so Blake can't say no. Blake sighs, slowly sitting down again with Noah standing in front of him.

"Sorry Noah, I didn't mean to freak you out. Can we cuddle?" Blake asks, reaching his sore arms out to grab Noah and pull him into his lap. Noah smiles and sits in Blake's lap, getting engulfed in a hug right after and Blake's nose nuzzling into his neck, making him giggle.

Noah looks around the room and sees Bryce walking down the stairs, Bryce gives them a smile before walking into the kitchen. Soon the front door closes indicating the three have left, leaving Blake and Noah to an empty house. Anthony stayed over at Avani's and Griffin and Kio are staying at Kio's parents house for a couple days.

Noah turns his gaze back to the taller and slowly cards his fingers into Blake's hair, getting a hum of approval and a kiss to his neck. The pair of boys never talked about their relationship, but they both knew they had feelings for each other, showing more affection and love then most friends.

"Are you gonna tell me why you're acting like this?" Noah whispers quietly in Blake's ear. His hands just able to cup Blake's face and lift it up to look at him. Blake gives him a funny look and cups his bigger hand around Noah's.

"What do you mean."

"I know something's been wrong for the past couple of days, but I just didn't want to say anything. Blake you can tell me anything, you know that right? I can try and help you." Noah says with so much innocence, making Blake coo and pull him deeper into his chest.

"W-well I guess I can't get anything by you." Blake sighs before starting to explain to Noah about all the restless nights and nightmares he's been facing recently. Noah nods slowly once Blake's finished and smiles sadly, pulling the scared boy into a warm hug.

"You could have told me. I can help you, everything will be okay." Noah smiles into Blake's shoulder, making Blake laugh and squeeze Noah's waist lightly.

"Thank you." Blake sighs, pulling Noah out of his shoulder to look into his eyes.

"Anytime." Noah smiles before connecting his lips to Blake's in a passionate kiss, loving every minute of it.

(1345 words)

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