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|Fear of speaking in public.|
Bryce x Blake

The crowd is going wild, the screams and cheers bouncing off the small stage room. Soon a chant is heard, "Sway boys! Sway boys! Sway boys!"

Griffin yells for Kio to come over, linking his hand in the black haired boys and smiling down at him.

"See you guys soon!" Kio shouts over his shoulder at the other boys, before walking hand in hand with Griffin onto the stage. The boys have decided to do a live podcast in a small concert hall, hence the screaming people and the boys slowly making their way on stage.

Blake turns back to Noah to finish their conversation, but he feels like something is wrong, something's missing or someone's missing. He looks around at all the familiar faces to not see the hyper and loud Bryce anywhere.

"Hey Noah, I have to stop you for a second, Bryce is missing and he's supposed to go up after Jaden and Anthony." Blake yells over the screams and starts getting up to look for the brunette.

"Want me to help?" Noah smiles sweetly, lifting himself onto his feet as well and stretching his back.

"Nah it's fine bro, he can't be that far. Probably on his phone in his and Quinton's dressing room." Blake says, getting a nod from Noah before walking to Bryce's room.

He knocks on the door three times to hear no answer, the black haired boy is about to leave when he hears a muffled sob from inside the small room. Blake has a weird look on his face and presses his ear to the door, waiting to hear the sound again. Soon another sob is hear and Blake definitely knows that's not like Bryce at all, he reaches down to turn the knob and to his surprise it swings open.

Blake steps in and looks around quickly, seeing nothing different to the room and no crying boy. A shaky breathe is heard behind the door and Blake squints in that direction, slowly closing the door to the room and seeing a shocking surprise.

Bryce with puffy and red eyes, hair sticking out in different directions, and eyes wide with worry and shock. Blake's eyes soften and he reaches a hand to cup the crying boys cheek, but Bryce pulls away and slips across the wall to be out of reach from the confused boy.

"Y-you can't tell anyone you s-saw me like this! And please don't make f-fun of me!" Bryce whisper yells, over his shaky breathe and silent tears. Blake frowns from Bryce not trusting him and trying to get away from his touch.

"I won't, I promise. But why are you c-crying?" Blake asks just as shaky back, not wanting to scare the fragile boy in front of him with a loud tone.

"T-that's none of your business, it's pathetic and just so you know I'm not a crybaby." Bryce speaks harshly, violently wiping his tears off his cheeks and rubbing his nose.

"I know you're not a crybaby. I'm just worried about you, that's all."

"Well I don't need your pity so please leave." Bryce speaks lowly, looking anywhere but Blake.

"No, I wanna know you're okay. A-and I wanna help you." Blake stutters shyly, looking down at his hands before lifting his gaze back up to Bryce's. Soft brown orbs staring at him with an unreadable expression.

"Fine, I'm s-scared to go on stage." Bryce whispers, but Blake hears and steps closer, wanting to wrap his arms around the other boy.

"That's fine, I'm scared too, but we have each other and we can keep each other calm." Blake beams, eyes twinkling with determination and happiness. Bryce chuckles from his childlike behaviour and shakes his head side to side.

"But it's not just something small, I have a phobia of speaking in public and I was crying from nerves." Bryce explains, before feeling arms wrap around his waist. He tenses in Blake's hold before slowly relaxing into the soothing touch of Blake, the black haired boys hands rubbing up and down his back in a comforting act.

"We don't have to go out on stage, I can tell the boys you don't feel good and I'll stay with you instead of going on stage." Blake suggests, making Bryce's eyebrows raise in thought before slowly shaking his head 'no'.

"I need to face my fear and I don't want to disappoint the fans, just please stay by my side." Bryce pleas, lifting his head from Blake's shoulder and looking into his eyes.

"Of course." Blake smiles reassuringly, bringing the scared boy back into a warm hug.

(783 words)

PhoboPhobia- The fear of having a phobia. [Tik Tok bxb]Where stories live. Discover now