Chapter 2: I'm scared.

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A/N: Thank you for the reads! I decided that instead of uploading once a week I will upload whenever so like 2 to 3 times a week! But always expect at least one update a week! Enjoy Chapter 2!  -EmeraldLokiMalfoy <3

"Peter!", exclaimed Tony as he walked quickly towards him. He leaned down slightly so he was at eye level with Peter. "What's going on? What happened?". Peter nervously looked towards the counciler who smiled kindly and said, "I'll be in the other room if you need me." She left and shut the door behind her, leaving Peter and Tony alone. Peter used the sleeve of his jacket to try to wipe away the tears, he didn't want Mr Stark to think he was weak or anything. Tony pulled the hand away from his face and looked into his eyes. "It's ok. You can tell me." Peter took a deep breath and looked at Tony. "M-may she-she...she's g-gone." he managed to choke out before bursting into tears. "Oh bud...come here." And with that Tony pulled him into a hug. Peter immediately collapsed against him and grabbed at the back of the mans suit with his hands, desperately trying to keep himself standing up. Tony wrapped one of his arms around his waist and the other he used to rub up and down the boys back. They stayed like for a few more minutes, Peter crying and holding onto Tony in a death grip, and Tony whispering comforting words into the boys ear while rubbing his back. Eventually Tony pulled back slightly and Peter did too, though he seemed more reluctant, then the whole situation dawned on him. He had just cried, no sobbed, in Tony I-don't-like-physical-affection-of-any-kind Stark. Peters guilt must of shown on face however as when he was about to apologise for over stepping boundaries Tony silenced him. "Nope. No apologises needed. It's ok kid, I'm here for you." Tony said. Peter hesitated slightly before nodding his understanding. Tony gave a sharp nod back, "Good. Now grab your bag let's go." What? Peter was confused, where was he going? "Going where?" he replied. "The Avengers Tower. You need a place to stay while we figure this all out, and frankly i don't want you out of my sight. I know how it to feels to loose someone you care about and I want you to know you're not alone, ok?" Peter nodded his head and almost smiled. Almost. Until he remembered the reason why he was going to stay with Mr Stark in the first place, and sooner or later he would go into foster care anyway so he shouldn't get his hopes up.

He quickly grabbed his bag and phone on the table and walked out the room with Mr Stark. While walking to the exit, Peter noticed a lot of people staring. Oh yeah, he thought, obviously they will be Iron Man is here. Some even took photos which made Peter feel a little on edge, what would people say if they saw those photos? It also didn't help that he could hear all the whispers coming from everyone, even some students from detention were taking photos. Peter started subconsciously walking closer to Tony, the man must have noticed this as he put his arm around his shoulders to give some sense of comfort, as if to say "It's ok, I got you." They eventually reached the front desk where Tony informed them that he would be taking care of Peter in meantime and to give him any projects Peter had to do, he didn't think Peter would be ready for school anytime soon. Tony said goodbye before grabbing the various papers on the desk and, with his arm still around Peter, walking briskly out the school and into the car park. "Okay Pete you wanna hop in the front?" Mr Stark said. Peter nodded, still not fully trusting his voice, and opened the door to the car.

To say the least, Tony was a little freaked out. Peter, the hyper-activate child who seemed totally capable of talking about anything and everything for the rest of his life, barely uttering a word? It was just so abnormal for him. He felt so bad for the kid, first his parents, then Uncle and now his Aunt, in all honesty he couldn't really blame the kid for not wanting to talk. He watched as Peter plugged in his seat belt and leaned his head on the window, a small tear running down his cheek. Just as he was about to start the car he heard Peters small voice. "Mr Stark?" he said. Tony looked over to see him staring down at his hands in his lap. "Yeah." he said. Peter nervously looked up at Tony before saying, "I-i um..I'm scared." Tony heart shattered. Hearing this 15 year old kid, who was the friendly neighbourhood spiderman, say he was scared made Tony want to hold him all over again. He reached over and ran his hand through Peters hair a couple time which seemed to calm him down slightly and lean more into the touch. "I know. This stuff is scary, but you have me and all the Avengers to help you okay? And if you ever need something, anything at all, I will try my best underoos." Apparently whatever Tony had said went completely over Peters head as the next word to come out his mouth was. "The Avengers?!" Tony chuckled slightly looking at Peters star-struck face before answering. "Yeah, the Avengers. The're currently on a mission but should be back soon. But don't tell me you're more excited to hang out with them than me?" he said, only half joking. Peter smiled, even if it was the smallest one possible and for only a second, he still smiled. "Of course not. You will always be my favourite Mr Stark." he said before turning around and resuming looking out the window. And with that, Tony started the car, feeling way to proud for his own good. But he didn't care, he was the kids favourite.

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