Chapter 34: We even have snacks!

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A/N: :)

Ned and Peter spent the entire trip to the science fair either looking out the window or talking about all the fun things they would get to do. Although there was still a part of Peter that missed his Dad, he knew that he would see him in no time and all he wanted to do was enjoy the trip.

"Dude imagine all the food!" Ned said excitedly. "I know, and all the different science projects that we'll get to see!"

Peter felt himself relax as Ned continued to ramble on, he rested his head against the window as fatigue suddenly washed over him. The last thing he registed was Ned gently placing a jacket over him before he closed his eyes and entered dream land.


Wasn't who he seemed? What was Tony supposed to do? He had spent the whole time searching up everything there was about William Davidson and suddenly the man was using identity theft. He was seriously resisting the urge to bang his head against the table. "Hey Mr Stank, why the sour face?"

Rhodey walked in and slumped down into the chair next the man, a calculating expression on his face. "Not now Rhodes." Tony muttered, trying not to get too irritated. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine at," he paused to look at his watch. "1:00am."

"Seriously Rhodey, I can't deal with this I have way to much on my plate." The man sighed and patted his back a few times to comfort his friend. "I know it's rough right now, especially with Peter gone but have a little faith, yeah?"

"Have a little faith? Your advice is lacking honeybear." Tony said, causing both them to chuckle. "See? There's the pain in the ass I love and know." Rhodey smiled.

"Thanks." Tony said, standing up to leave the lab. "Where'd you think you're going?" Rhodey questioned.

"To bed?" Tony said confused.

"Hey, I told you to have faith, not go to bed. If I had a kid who was in danger, I'd be up all night trying to protect them too." Tony paused before smiling, taking his seat again, this time with a friend by his side. Not everything was perfect, but with the people he cared about helping him, order would be restored.


"Dad." Was the word Peter whispered when he was jolted awake by the bus going over a bump in the road. His heart was racing and his body was shaking slightly but thankfully no-one seemed to notice, not that anyone would care except Ned.

Speaking of his friend, he turned to see the boy asleep aswell, looking around it seemed most people were either asleep or on their phones. He closed his eyes and focused on getting his breathing back to normal, following all the tips Tony had given him to use when he had a nightmare.

Once he had his heart rate back to the regular pattern, he whipped out his phone to shot a quick text to Tony, although his initial panic has lessend, he still wanted to make sure his Dad was okay.

Peter: About an hour left til we get there, missing me much?

It took only a second for the man to respond.

Tony: Alot, but Rhodey makes good company. You feeling alright? Everything okay?

Peter debated telling the man he had nightmare, they had gotten into a good habit where the boy would always tell Tony if he had trouble sleeping, but at the same time he knew this would only add to his stress levels. And Tony didn't need that right now.

Peter: Yeah I'm fine, just wanted to make sure you were okay. :)

So what, it was only a half lie, he was fine and was checking in on the man.

Tony: Perfectly fine, you better get some rest bud, wouldn't want you falling asleep the minute you arrive.

Peter: Will do. Call later?

Tony: You bet.

He put his phone away and settled back comfortably in his chair, he had a good feeling about this trip.


"Alright guys if you could collect your bags and form a line outside the hotel that would be appreciated." Mr Wilson announced a little while later. Everyone began to grab their things and head out, talking excidtedly about how cool the hotel looked.

It was huge with balconys and even a pool outside the front, Peter practically gaped, by now he was use to huge buildings, curtisy to leaving with Tony Stark, but this was a whole other level!

"Alright, if you can form an ordely line I will hand out hotel keys, as you know you will be sharing with one other person." As he handed the keys out Peter and Ned smiled when they realised they were sharing a room, pefect time to binge watch the all the Stars Wars films.

They walked into the reception where Mr Wilson gave them permission to go and find their rooms, they had the whole afternoon to unpack before dinner later which meant Peter would have time to call Tony.

Opening the door to their room, Peter excitedly began to look around with Ned. There were two single beds in seperate rooms, a small living area with a couple chairs and a TV, a bathroom and a desk area. "This is so huge!" Ned exclaimed. "I know, we even have snacks!" Peter yelled from the main area where he found a few chocolate bars and bags of crips.

"This is awesome man but I'm gonna shower, you wanna go for a walk before dinner?" Ned asked as he took out his towel. "Sure thing."


Once Ned was in the shower Peter took out his phone to call Tony, It's not that he want Ned there, he just felt this was more personal now Tony was his Dad. He clicked on the icon and let it ring for a moment before the man picked up.

"Hey kid!"

"Hi Dad!" Peter said, smiling when he saw his face, it had only been a few hours yet he was already missing the sound of the mans voice.

"How's your trip going? The hotel nice?"

"Yeah it's amazing, Ned and I are sharing a room so it's gonna be awesome!" he said excitedly.

"That's great buddie, I miss you alot already not gonna lie." Tony said, he really had missed the kid, like, alot.

"I miss you too, alot. But I can call you everyday, right? As long as you're not busy of course."

"Never too busy for you."

Peter smiled, "Good, because I already have so many stories to tell you, for example, when we were on the bus Ned tried to..." He launched into story after story, Tony not once stopping him unless it was to supply an comment.

He missed his kid.

So what if he had been waiting all day just to talk to him again?

No-one needed to know that.

A/N: Hope you guys are just as excited as I am for the next few chapters they gonna be crazy so add this to your library now! :0

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