Chapter 9: Can I ask you a question?

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A/N: This chapter is quite a big one, enjoy!  -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

The next day Peter woke up feeling worse than the day before. He had a pounding headache and memories of what he did to Clint still swirled around in his mind. What would May think? What would she do if she knew what he had done? Eventually he managed to haul himself out of bed and head to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he lost track of time, only then did he realise he had been brushing his teeth for almost 6 minutes. Peter quickly finished up and went back to sit on his bed.

As much as he wanted to eat something he couldn't bring himself to leave his room, he didn't want to risk running into the Avengers. "Friday?" he asked. "Yes Peter?" "Um, do you know where Mr Stark is?" he asked. "Boss is in the lab." Peter thought for a moment before asking, "Is he alone?" "Yes." she replied. Peter nodded before heading out to find Mr Stark.


When he reached the elevator he had succsessfully managed to avoid any of the Avengers, which was a change considering his luck. He made his way down to the lab where he found Tony busy typing on his phone. "Morning Mr Stark." he said while walking over to the chair next to the man. He looked up and smiled softly at the boy, "Morning Pete, sleep well?" he said. Peter shrugged while starting some work on his suit to distract himself.

About an hour went by until Tony broke the silence, "Kid I can practically feel you thinking right now, what's up?" Peter looking over to see the man staring at him questionably, he let out a shaky breath before answering. "U-umm do, do you t-think I messed up the relationship you had with the avengers? B-because they don't seem to like me and I don't want them to blame you because, to be honest, not many people do like me. The point is I feel like I ruined whatever you guys you had before and I don't want to be a bother." he quickly said. There was a moment of silence until he heard foot steps approaching him, he found himself being pulled into a hug. "Kid, don't ever, and i mean ever, think that you are a bother or that you are responsible for this okay? I want you here and if I didn't that would be pretty obvious, considering my blunt personality. Anyway, it's not your fault, ever since things happened in Germany, nothing has really been the same, especially between me and Cap, but you have nothing to feel sorry for buddie." 

Peter was shocked. Sure he knew he meant something to Mr Stark, otherwise he wouldn't be living here, but he never thought he was that important. But another thing confused him, why was there always so much tension between Mr Stark and Mr Rogers? He understood that they fought against eachother, but to what extent?

"Thank you Mr Stark, that uh...i-it really means alot. But, can I ask you a question?" he said nervously, he didn't want to overstep boundaries, not that he knew there were any. "Shoot" the man replied, pulling out of the hug to look at Peter. "Umm...why is there so much tension between you and Mr Rogers? I know you fought eachother but it seems like there is something more. I'm sorry if i'm asking to much, if you don't want to answer that is totally fine too. I'm just curious." he said. He watched as different emotions appeared on Tonys face. Pain, fear, anger and was it...worry? About a minute passed before the man replied.

"Look kid, what i'm going to tell you isn't exactly the most happy memory I have, but it's important you know, just..don't make any rash decisions. Listen to everything I have to say before you do anything." Peter nodded slowly, he didn't understand, what was Tony going to say that would make him want to do anything rash? "So, as you know, when I first met you I asked you to come to Germany to fight with me against Cap. Now there was alot of pain and anger between the both of us, he wanted to save a friend who had 'killed' my parents and I couldn't get my head around the idea that it wasn't actually Bucky who killed them." he took a deep breath before speaking again.

"So long story short, we took our anger out on eachother. We fought backwards and forwards, hitting, punching, kicking, until...well he drove his sheild into my arc-reactor." he said while closing his eyes, as if saying brought back terrible memorries. Peter couldn't believe what he had heard, now everything made sense. Why Tony was so distant with Steve, why Steve would also look sadly at Tony, as if he felt sorry for him. Without hesitation he wraped his arms around Tony and closed his eyes, allowing a few stray tears to fall down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, i'm so so sorry." he whispered. Tony didn't reply he just held the boy closer while softly crying.


Peter had spent the rest of the day down in the lab with Mr Stark, making jokes and trying to make Tony laugh. It had worked and by the end of the day he felt the man had nearly forgotten about the conversation they had that morning, well Peter surely hadn't. Now he felt nothing by hatred and anger towards Steve, how could he, how could he do that to Tony? How could you beat up someone and leave them their to die? If Tony hadn't had the operation he would be dead right now. He clenched and unclenched his fists to stop himself from exploding on the spot before he headed up to his room to think.

He paced and paced until finally he stopped and spoke out. "Friday? Where is Steve?"

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