Chapter 43: I'll go find Peter.

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As soon as Tony had gotten ready he was desperate to leave, he was finally going to have his son back after all this time. He didn't care whether it had only been a few days, he wanted Peter back safe and sound in his arms even if it was the last thing he did. As long as his son was safe, that's all that mattered.

"Everyone ready?" Steve asked, looking around to see all of them, minus Bruce, dressed in theirs suits and with their weapons ready. They all nodded and looked at Tony, who was standing motionless.

"Tones?" Rhodey stepped forward to lay a gentle hand on his friends shoulder. "Mhm?" Tony looked up as if only just noticing that everyone was staring at him.

"You alright?" Rhodey repeated.

"Yeah just...grateful for you guys, you...helped alot and I really appreciate it." he chocked out, trying not to get emotional.

"Of course man." Rhodey replied, sharing a smile with him and the test of the team.




The journey towards Creepswood Alley was a long, stressful one. They had to split into different cars, Tony, Bruce, Rhodey and Happy in one, Steve, Bucky, Nat and Sam in the next and Clint, Scott, Loki and Thor in another one. The whole 4 hour drive Tony couldn't sit still, he was consistantly jigging his leg up down or fiddling with his hands, much to everyone elses displeasure, especially Rhodeys.

"Please calm down Tony, I know this hard and you're nervous yet excited, but you need to stay strong, not just for yourself, but for Peter." Tony nodded and stopped the jogging of his leg but still fiddled with fingers.

"Sorry." he muttered.

Rhodey rested his hand on the mans and gripped it in reassurance, hoping to provide some type of comfort. "We will find him."

Tony managed a weak smile and held the hand tightly, he prayed to God that his friend was right.


The smell of dirt and waste was the first thing that the Avengers smelt when they entered the abandoned building located down Creepswood Alley. It was gloomy and echoy, with every step they took the sound projected almost twice as loud, the whole 'sneaking in' part of the plan going out the window. "This place is nasty." Bucky muttered, brushing a piece of rubbish away with his foot.

"Yeah no shit sherlock." Sam replied quietly, shooting a glare at the man who returned it.

"Guys shut up and listen!" Nat whisper-yelled as the sound of multiple footsteps began to steadily approach them. Tony faced the rest of the team, who had already gotten into defensive postions, and got his blasters ready.

"No don't shoot, I want some fun time first, a little chit chat, you know?" A mans amused voice called, finishing it of with a small chuckle of his own.

He stepped out of the shadows and a light turned on above their heads, revealing Davidson with 2 men standing on either side. "Well well well, what do we have here? Decided to crash the party did we?"

Tony clenched his fists tightly and glared daggers at the man, "What the hell have you done to my kid?" he seathed, stepping forward but stopped when he felt a hand grab his arm.

"Relax." Nat muttered in his ear.

"Why are you doing this? Taking an innocent child for no reason? Why?" Steve asked.

"I wanted to make you pay. I wanted you to pay for what you did to me Stark, all those years ago when you took away everything I ever loved!" William yelled.

"Do whatever you want, I don't care whether you hurt me, take away my fame, destory my reputation. But if you touch my kid, I will fucking end you."

With that Tony lifted up his blasters and shot it at Davidson, the force throwing him back so he collided roughly with the wall, a small smug smile appearing on the mans face. Immediately all hell broke loose, the two men who were standing by Davidsons side lunged forward, but where almost instantly blocked by Steve who threw his shield at one of them.

The other was shot in the arm by Clint and tackled to the floor by Nat, who knocked him out cold with one hit. She stepped back and fixed her hair before turning to others, "Nice one Tony." she muttered, giving him a smirk which he returned.

"What now?" Sam asked.

"I'll go find Peter, you guys split up to find any evidence or other people possibly involved. Make sure these guys don't wake up either." Some afirmative nods were the mans answer before he rushed off down one of the dark corriders. He really hoped he was able to find Peter...


Tony rushed down the dark corrider as fast as could, he had already been down multiple ones yet he hadn't found Pete. Anxiety was creeping into him but he tried not worry, he would find his son, he would.

The heavy souls of his Iron Man suit clanked against the floor and echoed around, Tony continued to run around until he found a small door. It was dark and had red stains on it, it looked like blood and Tony had to stop the bile from spilling out his mouth. It had 5 padlocks on it, both very intricut and stiff. Luckily for Tony he was able to get them unlocked with just one blast.

He rushed forward into the room while covering his face to avoid breathing in the smoke. When he got a clear view of the room, he was not prepared for what he saw.

Peter was slumped in a chair, his white shirt dirty and covered parshily in blood, his joggers were also ripped in places and bloody. But that wasn't the worst part, when Tony saw the boys face his heart completely shattered, he had never felt so much guilt and horror in his life before.

Peter's nose was bloody and broken, his bottom lip was busted and leaking out blood down his chin, a gash across his head stood out on his pale skin, the blood soaked into his once brown curls, which were now grimy and dark.

"P-peter.." Tony managed to gasp out, his breath catching tightly in his throat. stopping anymore words from escaping his lips. The suit drifted apart and he stumbled forward, his eyes souly fixated on his son; he reached out a hand, wanting to hold him but scared of the reaction, Peter might hate him, he might decide he wants nothing to do with him, he could loose his only son.

He could loose his world.

One of the only reasons he was still living and breathing.

But he wouldn't let that happen, it couldn't and it wouldn't.

Hesitantly, Tony reached out a shaky hand and gently lowered it onto Peter's shoulder...

A/N: Lowkey forgot that *endgame spoiler* Tony and Nat died, imma go cry now bai~

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