Chapter 8: Goodnight Mr Stark.

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A/N: Here is Chapter 8, please check out my Avengers Imagines if you haven't already! (Requests Open!) Also sorry this took longer to write than I expected I have been quite busy!   -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

warnings: mild violence and swearing

Peter could not believe what was happening. He was sat, with the Avengers, for dinner, and it was awkward, very awkward. On one side sat, Bucky. Steve, Nat, Clint, and on the other Rhodey, Scott, Tony and then Peter. "So...where is everyone else?" Tony started. "Well, Sam and Bruce had to saty behind to help with legal things, and Thor and Loki are at Asgard because of 'urgent buisness'." Steve explained while eating. Tony nodded mutely and started his food. "So, Peter right?" Nat said. "O-oh, yeah Peter Parker." the boy said. "So Peter Parker, where you from?" "Queens." Nat nodded, staring at him with curiosity. "Why you staying here?" Scott asked. Peter gulped and started stuttering out an answer, he didn't exactly feel comfortable blurting out that his last living relative was dead. "U-um, w-well I um.." Before he could say anything else Tony stepped in. "He is here because he needs to be, okay? He's not an undercover agent so can we stop interogating him and just eat?" The team seemed quite shocked by the sudden protective side Tony was showing, but didn't ask anymore questions and they finished the meal in silence.

Once they had eaten they sat down on the chairs in the living area to do their own things. About a hour later Peter began to feel sleepy and found himself leaning more into Tonys side, the man must have noticed as he shook his shoulder gently, "Pete, why don't you go to bed?" Peter just mumbled tiredly and allowed Tony to pull him up from the sofa they were sat on. By this point the avengers were all watching this scene unfold, Tony was being nice to someone, willingly. "Night kid." Tony said pulling him into a hug which the boy gladly returned mumbling a quiet, but audible, "Goodnight Mr Stark." Tony just smiled and watched as the kid made his way up to his room before sitting back down only to find everyone looking at him with shocked expressions. "What?" he asked.

"Y-you just..yo- what?" Scott stuttered. Tony furrowed his brows. "Okay Tony, who is this kid?" Steve said. "I told you he is my intern." "Why is he here?" Tony sighed. "His Aunt was murdered about a week ago and he has no-one else left to take care of him." That made the team fall silent. "Poor kid" Rhodey said quietly. "Yeah, exactly. So you better be nice to him otherwise I won't hesitate to blast you out of this building, got it?" They all nodded, even Bucky who hadn't said a word since they had gotten back, he had just stayed next to Steve. "Good, now if you don't mind I have got work to do." he said walking out the room.


The next day Peter woke up at around 7:03am. He was still tired but got up to go and grab a glass of water. When he entered the kitchen he noticed how dark it seemed, darker than normal, he just strugged it off and went to the cabinet to grab a cup. Just as he was about to fill up his glass, the hairs on the back of neck began to stand up and his spidey-senses went crazy. Before he realised what he was doing he turned around and punched the person who was standing behind him in the face. That person cried out before falling to floor. Peter stood their shocked for a few minutes before the rest of the Avengers came running into the room to see what happened. The lights flicked on and Peter realised the person on the floor wasn't a murderer it was Clint. He stood their frozen until Mr Stark walked in and immediately stopped in his tracks when he saw what was happening. "Peter! What happened?" he said walking towards the boy while eyeing Clint, who was now being helped up by Steve and Natasha. "I-i d-don't know, I d-don't k-know.." the boy said shaking slightly. Tony pulled him into a hug and ran a hand through the boys hair trying to calm him before pulling back to glare at Clint. "What the hell did you do?" "Me? Nothing, the kid just punched me in the face, hard might I add." Peter began to panic, realising that he had used his full strength. "Friday explain." Tony said, clearly he wasn't going to get a good answer out of him.

"Mr Barton attempted to sneak up on Peter so he could find out why he was really here, but Peter realised and thought it was a criminal and punched him in the face Boss."

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Tony asked in a deadly voice, "I told you not to bother him and now you go and do the one thing I told you not to do. What the hell were you thinking?" "He was clearly here for a reason you have never acted this kind before to anyone and what was I supose to think?" Peter stood their shaking looking back and forth between Clint and Tony as they argued. He looked at the others who all looked confused, shocked and angry, except one. Bucky was stood in the back looking at Peter. He smiled slightly before mouthing 'Nice punch' to Peter. The boy smiled shyly and mouthed back 'Thanks', however their non-verbal conversation was cut sort when Tony pulled him into another hug which Peter found he really needed. "Don't worry kid." he said. Their was a moment of silence before it was broken by Steve. "How did you react so fast?" Peter looked at Tony as if silently asking, 'What do I say?'. "Let's not worry about it, go and take Clint to medical and patch him up then we will talk."


Tony was furious, how dare Clint try and sneak up on Peter. He told them to be nice and now he was even more worried as he knew they would ask how the kid could punch so hard, or react so fast. He had talked to Peter to make sure he was okay and he had talked to the team about what had happened and made them all swear that they would leave the poor kid alone, he had already been through enough and needed a break.

Realising it was getting late, he went to check on what Peter was doing to make sure he was okay. What he found made him smile. Peter was asleep on his bed, a book falling out his hand, his hair a mess. Tony walked over and carefully took away the book and put a blanket over him so he didn't get cold. He leant down and kissed his forehead whispering, "Night Underoos." before heading back out.

Little did he know the avengers had watched the entire scene, and they too had smiles on their faces.

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