Chapter 4: Stay?

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A/N: Here is Chapter 4, make sure you favourite if you are enjoying it so far!  -EmeraldLokiMalfoy <3

Peter was trapped in a dark room. He couldn't move, couldn't talk he could barely breathe let alone think. He looked around but he couldn't see anyhting at all. Peter desperatley tried to call out to anyone, but he made no sound. He started to panic and he felt the tears pouring down his face. "Help! Anyone please!" he finally managed to speak while trying to move.

"Mr Stark! Please help me, I'm alone, HELP PLEASE!" Peter desperately tried calling. And then he heard Mays voice. "It's your fault. You should have been there Peter, I trusted you!" No, Peter thought, no it's not real don't listen. "Mr Stark! M-mr S-Stark, please, HELP! H-help m-me....please" he whispered the last part. And then he saw it. Her dead body, on the ground, in front of him. 'It's your fault. You should have been there.' The words invaded his brain, driving him insane. "NOOOOOOO! STOP MR STARK HELP PLEASE!" he screamed.

He shot up out of bed breathing heavily. "M-mr S-stark?" he questioned out loud. "Hey, hey, over here bud come on." Peter heard the words and whiped his head around to see Tony looking stressed and relieved to see Peter. He immediately jumped into the mans arms before he could protest and wrapped his arms around his neck while clinging onto to him as if he would disappear any second. "Oh my God. You're real, you're here. I was so scared I didn't know where you were." Tony just buried his head in Peters brown curls while holding onto him just as tightly. Peter swallowed before continuing, "Um...M-may was t-there. S-she s-said it was...i-it w-w-was my f-f-fault. But i-i couldn't d-do anything, right?" Peter asked anxiously. "Of course not Peter. It was just a dream it was not your fault, you hear me? May would never say those words she loved you more than anything, never forget that." Peter just clung tighter to Tony and whimpered slightly.

Tony had to admit that when he got a message from Friday saying Peter was in distress, he was running up to Peters room before Friday could finish her sentence. When he found the kid screaming his name he could barely keep himself from breaking right then and there. He just comforted him until he woke up, then held him in his arms like a small child afraid of the dark. Except this time it was a 16 year old filled with guilt and blaming himself for his Aunts tragic murder.

When Peter eventually stopped crying, they stayed in eachothers arms for a long time, purely enjoying eachothers comfort and protection. Just as Tony suspected Peter might have fallen asleep, he heard the boy whisper, "Stay?" barely loud enough for Tony to hear. "Always." he replied while carding his fingers through Peters hair and humming a tune to one of the boys favourite songs. He felt Peter slowly relax against him as he continued to hum, Tony leaned up against the wall and adjusted Peter in his lap and kissed the top of head before saying, "Goodnight Petey." Just as he was about to fall asleep he heard a faint, tired voice whisper back, " G'night Miser Star.." Tony smiled at hearing the slightly slurred goodnight before closing his eyes and falling asleep with an arm full of Spider-kid.


When Peter woke up he found himself not laying down in his bed, but in the lap of Mr Stark. He looked up to also find that he too was asleep. He closed his eyes and cuddled closer and fell back to sleep.

Tony woke up a few hours later to find himself in the same position. He smiled before placing a kiss on Peters head. Realising he should get some work done, he carefully moved the boy so he was laying down before instructing Friday to let him know when Peter woke up. He made his way down to the lab and started some work. Not even 10 minutes had gone by and his phone had already started ringing. Sighing he picked it up.

"Hello, Stark speaking."
"Hello Mr Stark I was wondering if I could have a quick discussion about Peters living arrangments."
Tony froze for a second. What was is supposed to say? Obviously Peter wasn't going into Foster Care but could he adopt? Would Peter even want that?
"Of course. What is there to dicuss?" he said.
"Well he is currently staying with you so it about whether you want to adopt or we can put him into Foster Care. Of course, I understand this will take time and of course it is also Peters decision aswell. You may call me in a few days and let me know your decision." Tony checked the day and realised it was 9am on Saturday morning. "Ok. Yeah that's fine I'll let you know by then." he replied while mentaling making a note to not forget. "Of course. Thank you Mr Stark." Tony hung up and sat back and closed his eyes. He had a lot to consider. Of course he wanted to adopt Peter, but was he ready to look after a child?

A/N: Also just to mention in this story Peter was never dusted and Tony never snapped. So no one died (the avengers) and Steve stayed and Loki is living in the Tower/going on missions cause he deserved better and i don't want him to die cause i love him. (Plus we need more botherly love from him and Thor). And Tony and Pepper are just close friends aswell. <3

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