Chapter 3: I'm sorry.

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A/N: Here is Chapter 3! Feel free to leave comments and favourite this if you are enjoying it so far, if you are interested make sure you check out my Avengers Oneshots I'm working on, REQUESTS OPEN! Enjoy! <3 -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

Peter spent the journey to the Avengers Tower looking out the window, he didn't feel like small talk and Mr Stark wasn't starting a conversation so they mostly sat in comfortable silence. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop the occasional tear falling, his Aunt, his last living relative was dead. Peter tried to distract himself by thinking about the Avengers but he just couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness, he was happy he had Tony but May knew him inside out, what was he going to do? His mind continued to explode with questions until they reached the Tower.

"You ready to go?" Tony asked once he was parked. Peter nodded and got out the car, luckily remembering his bag. He followed Mr Stark to the entrance, he remembered when he first came there, he wouldn't stop talking the whole way in the car and didn't shut up until he went back to the appartment with May. May, who was now gone. Jesus, he needed to stop thinking about that every 10 seconds. He quickly caught up with Tony, noticing he was more than a little behind and continued walking in silence until they reached the elevator. "Fri, take us to my level", Tony said. "Yes Boss." Friday replied. They reached the level and Peter followed Tony into the kitchen.

"You hungry? I got food here or we could order takeout?" Tony asked while looking through cabinets. Peter thought for a second before answering. "Um, takeout? I fancy pizza, but i don't mind Mr Stark." God, this kid was to kind. "Pizza it is! Hey, you wanna go put your bag in your room bud." Peter nodded and walked up his room. He sat on the bed and emptied his bag, all he had was a couple books, his pencil case and his lunch box which was..full? Oh yeah, he skipped lunch to finish his History Essay. Peter opened it up to take out the apple to eat but he noticed a folded up piece of paper on the top of his sandwitch. Confused, he opened it up, then he realised what it was. He quickly read the paper and sat it down next to him, trying to hold back the tears while he put his head in his hands. The letter read:

Just wanted to say I will be home late, I didn't have time
to tell before I left for work but i'm going to the shop to buy some pasta for
dinner. Hope school is going ok and please
don't go out as Spiderman until i get back.
Have a good day honey, and remember I love you.
-May x

Peter ran his hands through his hair a couple times while trying to get his breathing under control. Those were Mays last words to Peter. I love you. He grabbed the paper and held it tightly against his chest while crying. "I'm sorry." he whispered. He vaguely registered footsteps outside his door and a weight on the bed next to him but he was to upset to notice. And then that familiar feeling of safety, arms circling protectively around him while he sobbed. Peter buried his face in the mans neck while he used his free hand to wrap around his shoulders. Once again he found himself in the arms of Tony. "Shhh, Pete I got you, shh." he whispered while holding the boy against his chest. "M-may she l-left m-m-me a note i-in my-my lunch, i-i didn't k-know." Peter whispered, "I s-should have seen i-it I c-could have t-told her i-i l-loved her o-one more t-t-time." he said before breaking down again. Tony closed his eyes to stop them filling with tears, this poor kid, he didn't deserve any of this. He cradled his head in one of his hand while he held the other around his back. "Shh. It's ok, you're ok. Calm down." he repeated over and over again. After Peter had calmed down he and Tony sat down and watched a movie while they waited for their pizza to arrive.

Once they had eaten Tony suggested that Peter get ready for bed, it was still early but Peter had had a long day and needed some rest. He went up to his room and grabbed a random pair of pjs out the drawer he had and quickly changed before heading back to the sofa where Tony sat. "Thank you for today Mr Stark. It means a lot, you know." Peter said. "No problem Underoos. Now get your spidey-butt to bed." he said with a smile. Peter chuckled and said, "Goodnight Mr Stark." Tony got up a ruffled his hair before saying "Night Pete." and heading up to his room. Peter got himself a glass of water before he too retired for the night.

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