Chapter 21: Goodbye May.

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A/N: Thank you all for the support you guys are literally the best!! Love you guys! Like wtf 300 reads thats insaneee!!!! Also: you may want to get some tissues, this one is gonna be sad my friends  -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

When the day arrived Peter felt nothing. Unlike when it had been a week, instead of crying he just felt...numb, no saddness, no pain, just...nothing.

He spent the morning in silence, barely uttering a word to anyone, not even trying to start a conversation. Because it didn't matter, even if he did talk what difference would it make? It was still his Aunts funeral, his only real relative was still gone, and now he had to face saying goodbye.

The funeral was being held in the church in Queens, Peter had wanted it to be somewhere that was familiar, for the magority of his life he had lived in Queens and he wanted to feel close to May, visit her whenever he felt like it.

He was grateful that Tony had helped so much, with everything that had been going on, it was nice to have someone help, someone who knew him well. Once all the planning was finished Peter had Tony help him get a black suit, then once that was done he started on his speech.

He didn't know if he would even be able to get through it all but there were so many things he wanted people to know, he wanted people to see how kind and loving she was to everyone.

A few hours later, Peter was stood in the bathroom looking in his mirror. He was wearing a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers and a blazer. He couldn't belive the moment had arrived, the moment he would have to say goodbye to May forever, the moment that signified that this was all real, May really was gone.

Peter barely registered Tony walking him into the elevator, or getting into the car, it was like he was on autopilot. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder, comforting him without words, he didn't have the energy to say anything, just rest his head against the window and watch the world go by.


As they were walking towards the entrance, Peter put his hand in his pocket, curling it around the piece of paper he had in there. His speech. He had spent hours writing it, making sure he added every single detail. Now it was time.

"We are gathered here today, to say goodbye to May Parker, a wonderful part of our community. She was so accepting, loving and caring, towards everyone she knew.."

Peter listened to the words the man was saying, they were all true, but May was so much more than 'a wonderful part of our community' she was his Aunt, she was there for him when he needed her most.

Eventually it was his turn to read his speech, feeling Tony pull him into a quick side hug, he got up and walked to the stand. He took a shaky breath and began.

"May was like no other person I have ever had the pleasure of knowning, she was kind, smart, funny, beautiful, but most importantly she was my Aunt."

"When I lost my parents it was hard, having people who had been by your side your whole life disappear so suddenly, it wasn't easy. But Aunt May and Uncle Ben were there with me every step of the way. The moment I was sad, they would hug me, tell me everything would be okay, the moment I was happy, they would do everything in their power to keep that smile on my face."

"One day, my Aunt told me she would move the moon and the stars for me, of course, me being the science geek I was, told her that was scientificly impossible. But she just looked me in the eyes and said, 'Nothing is impossible when it comes to love.' To this day I will never forget those words, those words and the love and the adoration in them."

"We both faced many challenges in life, including loosing my Uncle. But even through that, when I had lost my father-figure, when she had lost her husband, we stayed strong. She had been there for me when I needed her, it was my turn to be there for her."

"One of my favourite memories I have with May, was when we went to the Zoo. It was a surprise for my 14th birthday, she had been saving for a weeks, knowing that I had only been to the Zoo once. And it was one of the best trips I had ever gone on. Getting to spend quality time with her was what meant the most to me, she meant the most to me."

"Losing one of the hardest things I have ever gone through, never in my life did I expect that she would taken from me so suddenly, without a chance to say 'I love you' one more time. May had always been there, through thick and thin she was always there, no matter what. I love her to the galaxies and back, with my whole heart. Saying goodbye is hard, but I know that she was always be with me, there will always be a piece of her inside of me."

By the end of his speech he had tears running down his cheeks, looking out at the small group of people who came they too all had tears in their eyes. He walked back over to where he was sat and found himself being enveloped in a hug. "Y-you did so good kid, so g-good." Tony murmed in his ear, his voice rough from crying.

Peter just held on tightly, forcing himself to stay strong, he could cry later, right now he needed to focus on what was most important, giving May the best send-off.


After the service had ended and everyone had left, Tony and Peter stood next to eachother looking at her grave. "I'll be in the car when you're ready." Tony said quietly, knowing Peter would want some time alone, time to say goodbye.

Once the man was in the car Peter stepped forward and knelt down. "Hey May, I, um, wanted to say goodbye. I want you to know that I love you and I'm so sorry for everything and I promise you I will stop the man who did this." he said, leaning forward to place a kiss on the top of her headstone.

"Goodbye May."


When they arrived back at the Tower everyone was waiting in the living room. Tony had an arm around Peter and they both had solemn expressions on their faces.

Almost immediately, Loki walked towards Peter, after a moment of hesitation, the God kneeled down and pulled the boy into a hug. Peter wrapped his arms around the trickster and softly began to cry, allowing himself to let out all his emotions.

Then slowly, one by one, everyone joined in. First Tony, then Bucky, Steve, Sam, Clint, Scott, Nat, Rhodey, Bruce and Thor. Nobody said anything, they just comforted the boy, letting him know they were there for him.

A/N: I tried really hard with the speech, I had to try not to cry writing it, but I hope you enjoyed!  -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

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