Chapter 22: We got a new teacher?

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A/N: This chapter takes place a few days after Mays funeral. -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

Tony had been a nervous wreck all morning, who knew waiting for news on adopting a child could be so stressful? He had been checking his phone for emails, missed calls and text messages on whether the adoption papers had gone through.

Tony had decided to keep it a secret, after realising it was Peters 16th birthday in a few weeks, he thought that the adoption could be a birthday present. All he had to do was hope that this was what Peter wanted, after all, he was the one to call Tony dad.

Just as he was about to check his phone, Bruce entered the lab, holding two cups of coffee and some documents. "Hey Tony, I got you coffee." he annouced, placing the cup on the table the man was sat at. After not recieving a response the doctor attempted to talk to him again. "Hey? Tony? Why aren't you talking? Are you feeli-"

"DoyouthinkadoptingPeterwastherighthingtodo?" Tony said in one breath. Bruces eyes widened for a moment before he composed himself, "Tony, it's more than fine. Peter is going to be so happy when you tell him." he said. Tony nodded, "Yeah, it's gonna be fine." he agreed, though it sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself.

Before Bruce had a chance to reply, Tonys phone started to ring, immediately the man picked up, eager to hear the news. "Hello?"

"Hello Mr Stark, we are calling about the results of the adoption papers."

"Yes, of course." Tony said.

"Well, after a few days we have decided that you are fit to adopt Peter."

"Really? Thank you this is perfect." the man said, barely able to contain his excitment at the news, he was going to be a Dad!

"All we need to do is send over a few papers for you and Peter to sign."

"Yes, is it alright to wait a few weeks? Peters birthday is coming up and I was wondering if I could wait and surprise him with the news."

"Yes, that's fine, take as long as you want."

"Thank you so much." Tony said hanging up and turning to face Bruce, who had a very amused but pleased smile on his face, "I'm going to be Peters Dad!"


Today was the day that Peter was going back to school. After the funeral he decided it was time to start seeing his friends again and starting on schoolwork. The only thing he wasn't looking forward to was all the questions, without a doubt people would be wondering what had happened to him.

Did everyone know May was dead? What would he tell him, 'oh yeah I'm living with Tony Stark and I've met all the Avengers, no big deal'. He finished getting ready and went to find Tony, who was down in his lab with Bruce. "Hey Mr Stark, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked.

"Of course." he replied, sitting down with Peter. "Well, it's just..what do I tell people at school? Ned and MJ know i'm living with you but I can't exactly tell everyone else that, can I?" Tony thought for a moment before answering, "Well, it may not be the best tell everyone like you said, that cold put in you in danger an I don't wanna risk that about we say you're living with a distant relative?" he suggested.

"Yes, okay, that's fine." Peter said, though still not feeling quite ready. Tony seemed to notice as he pulled him in for a hug, "Hey, it will be fine, don't worry, and if at any point you wanna come home just text me."


Around an hour later Peter found himself fidgeting nervously in the back of the car, Happy was driving but Tony had wanted to come along incase anything happened. It only helped to relax him a little knowing that Tony was there, he just couldn't stop all the thoughts invading his mind.

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