Good Neighbors - Doc x Bdubs

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"Half a house?" Bdubs muttered to himself as he brought his backpack to his new home.

"It's a little drifty!" Doc shouted, sitting on the edge of the second floor.

The builder groaned, but knew there really wasn't much of a choice. It was this or being left to roam Goat bay until he had enough resources. This was a much better place, and according to a Pesky Bird, a certain demon of chaos had gifted him a special bed to spend his nights.

Most of the world was developed at the time, and thanks to an accident with the other two Boomers, his house had been destroyed. All that was left was some extra pink concrete and some sheep heads.

"How's your bee friend?" Doc asked, grinning evilly.

"He's fine," Bdubs snapped, "now, I don't know about you, but I need a place to live at the moment."

There was an awkward silence as Bdubs struggled to lift his heavy suitcase up the porch steps.

"What do you have in there, rocks?"

Bdubs nodded. That's exactly what he had.

"And you're sure you couldn't just let me stay in a spare room like, I don't know, a normal person?"

Doc laughed.

"You said you wanted a home, so I gave you mine- well, half of mine."

Bdubs threw his arms in the air in frustration.

"I'll get you for this!"

"I can't wait to see that."


Night was always Bdubs most hated time. The zombies were out, spiders crawled across the land, and spiders shot arrows at anything that dared cross their paths. He tossed and turned in his bed, unable to sleep. His bedroom door was shut, but the thin wood was all that protected him from the dangers of the dark.

He rolled over and grabbed his cell phone. It'd been ages since he had a neighbor- he'd never really gotten along with the Goatfather, but it was better than having no one. He took a deep breath and sent him a message.

BeeeeeDubs: you up?

ImTheDoctor: it's two in the morning, what do you want?

Bdubs thought for a moment how to word the next one.

BeeeeeDubs: can't sleep

To his surprise, Doc responded almost immediately.

ImTheDoctor: give me one minute.

There was a knock on the builder's door. Bdubs shot out of bed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a random shirt he had lying on the ground. Just in case, he held a diamond-tipped dagger in his back pocket.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"It's me, can't you read? I said I'd be right there."

"Oh- yeah..."

The builder's face flushed a light shade of pink, which he slapped himself to try to stop. He opened the door to let his friend inside. Under the Goat's arm was a plushie that looked just like him, and under the other was one of Bdubs, which he immediately tried to hide.

"I made this when I heard your house got- er- blown up," Doc said, handing Bdubs the plush replica.

He wasn't sure how blushing worked on green skin, but he could have sworn that's what the Goat was doing.

"Uh- do you need a hug?" Doc asked sheepishly.

"...Yeah, I do."

Doc wrapped his arms around his friend, trying not to scratch his skin with his robotic hand.

"As long as you're staying at my house, or half-house, or whatever, I won't let you get hurt," Doc said kindly, before quickly correcting himself, "Goatfather's favor, don't think you're too special!"

In the back of Bdubs' mind, a tiny Keralis sat there singing to himself, "Everybody needs good neiiigbors..."

He was right.

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