The Comfort of Chaos - Tango x Zedaph

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Chaos was a part of Tango's life since the moment he was born. He'd always tried to fit in with other humans, but his appearance and mannerisms consistently prevented it from happening. He'd always related to Doc, but it wasn't quite the same as having human friends. 

From a young age, he learned that hiding his tail and wearing solid sunglasses to obscure his glowing red eyes was the safest way to go about living a normal life. Of course, it wasn't foolproof, but knowing that his spirit self couldn't be as easily seen was always something comforting. And even still, as soon as people realized what he was, he'd be met with abandonment yet again. 

Tears of blood fell down Tango's defined face. He desperately pushed his hair back with a bandana to stop his dirty blond hair from becoming stained with his tears. He'd tried to take a walk through the forest earlier that day, but as soon as he came near an animal, they'd dart away in fear. He was alone, and his chaos magic had torn everything away from him. The appearance of Evil Xisuma taunting him didn't help either. 

"You realize nobody actually likes you, right? You scare people. People want order and humanity, and you have neither to offer. Why would anyone trust you, or even think about being your friend?" EX said with a malicious grin on his face.

"People like Doc, and he's not human! Ren's part dog, and Jevin's part slime! You're just trying to get under my skin."

"Why would I do that, Tango? I'm just saying the truth."

Tango growled, baring his fangs. His tail whipped out from under his shirt, flicking angrily as rage took over him. Red smoke billowed from his eyes, and a shield decorated with the symbol of chaos appeared in his hand. 

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Tango cried, trying to hold back bloody tears. 

"You're just like me, Tango. You don't scare me, not even with your little magic tricks."

"No! Stop!"

Tango threw his foot onto the ground, opening a ravine deep into the void. Evil Xisuma, rather than falling into the bottomless bit, floated in place with a sick grin on his face.

"I see how it is. You'll see someday. You're a spirit, just like me. Look what you've done to the land around you. Why would anyone want to be close to you?"

Evil Xisuma gracefully floated down into the ravine, waving as the ground covered his descending body. Tango wiped the blood from his face and stared at the mess that came in his wake. Not even his tears were anything close to normal. He sprinted back to the towers, trying to stop himself from breaking down, but that didn't last too long. 


Zedaph put up the sail on his boat early in the morning. He'd be sailing off to Impulse's base that day, and knowing who he'd have to pass by, he couldn't risk being late. The waves were always so much more intense by Tango's place. The bickering between his buildings added to the pure chaos in the area.

He stepped into his boat and fixed the position of the boom for the wind to catch perfectly. It would be a long journey ahead. As the boat began to inch forward, Zedaph sat back and took out some golden carrots for a late breakfast. There'd been no time to eat that morning. 

Fear took over Zedaph's body as the boat approached Tango's Toon Towers. His heart pounded in his chest like a horde of elephants, heavy, fast, and overwhelming. Impulse sunk down into the boat, trying to hide himself. 

However, rather than the excited greeting he usually got, there was nothing. In the distance, he could hear what sounded like... crying? Zed tried to ignore it, but he couldn't. He grabbed the rudder and began to turn the boat towards Tango's dock. 

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