On My Side - Wels and Hels

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On My Side // Demon Hunter


"I've been waiting," the silver-armored knight said as he gripped his blade. 

Give me a sign.

Across an open plain was a mirror image. It imitated every one of his actions in perfect sync. 

There's nothing left to face... only the time.

He turned his back, praying his netherite-covered reflection would do the same. However, the sound of metal boots slamming against the hard soil told him otherwise. 

"I see shadows, devil's decline," he shouted as he spun around to face the enemy.

The black knight did not attack, mirroring Wels' actions once more. He took a step back. The mirror image did the same before speaking. 

"I've lost my faith in us, found my design," Helsknight said, his voice muffled by his helm.  

Rage filling his once-pure heart, Welsknight sprinted towards his reflection, brandishing his diamond saber. 

So now, where is the enemy?

I can feel no bite. 

Where is the enemy?

When death is on my side?

The pair's swords clashed together in perfect harmony, their actions perfectly balancing each other out. Wels kicked out a foot to hit his clone, but the mirror image sent them both crashing to the ground.

Even their facial expressions were the exact same. The fear, the pain, every single blink and twitch. 

Something building, raging inside... this hope gave me release, gave me a why. 

Helsknight chuckled beneath the helm, but his body still imitated the original. 

"Can't shake this ground beneath, I came to fight!"

Once again, they lunged at one another. Pure hatred filled their hearts as they battled. Sweat dripped down the knight's face. No matter what he did, there was nothing to throw off Hels.  

So now, where is the enemy?

I can feel no bite.

Where is the enemy?

When death is on my side?

Wels knew he would defeat the clone. Every time he dared to turn his back, it would come to remove either him or some innocent person from the realm. He couldn't stand it as Helsknight spoke once again. 

"Consuming victory, the trumpets calling out to me by name, by name," he said, mirroring his clone's face and habit, "no looming debt for me, no, death will find his aim to be in vain, in vain."

Wels pulled his sword towards him, running his armored fingers along the diamond blade. He closed his eyes. A single tear fell, but he couldn't get distracted. 

He watched the clone's movements carefully, aiming his sword so as to not be blocked. They sprinted towards each other in sync before at long last, the battle ended. 

Their two swords were lodged deep into each other's hearts. Hot blood stained their armor. Helsknight would no longer take the lives of his friends. As he closed his eyes and took his final breath, he hummed an ancient rhyme. 

So now, where is the enemy?

I can feel no bite.

Where is the enemy?

When death is on my side?

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