The Diorite Thief - Bdubs and Iskall

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Iskall always hated diorite, and that was one thing that Bdubs would never understand about him. Deep within the Swede's tree was a shulker box completely full of his most despised material, ready to be sent down into Zedaph's bottomless pit in the morning.

Bdubs had Iskall's diorite-destroying schedule completely memorized by then. He'd collect it from his storage and from the endless pranks by the other hermits on Wednesdays, and bring it to Zed's cave at the crack of dawn. 

It was three in the morning back at Goat Bay. Doc's arms were wrapped around his boyfriend's chest as he peacefully slept. The builder sighed. Doc looked so peaceful... but he needed to save that diorite from an unspeakably horrible death. 

Cautiously, Bdubs wiggled out of his boyfriend's embrace, replacing himself with a fluffy pillow. He was about to head out when he glanced back. Doc had pulled the pillow closer in his sleep, looking even more peaceful than before. Bdubs rolled his eyes and gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek before dashing out the door. 

Phantoms still screeched in the sky, even with the sliver of daylight peeking above the horizon. A shudder slithered down Bdubs' spine as he prepared himself to brave the night. It would be the first time he attempted to take that precious material from the massive tree, and he wasn't quite sure if he could make it out alive, with all of the hostile creatures infesting the overworld. 

Bdubs snuck to his red kayak, taking the paddle from the sandy shore. He pushed the boat into the ocean, which glimmered in the moonlight. With a deep breath, the builder hopped into the boat and prepared for the long journey to the home of the Jungle Gang. 

The sound of the kayak pushing against the waves was oddly calming, cutting through Bdubs' fear of the night like a blade. The edge of the jungle was starting to take form in front of him, and the small sliver of daylight had grown enough to scatter light across the land. It calmed the builder's anxiety, but every moment after then would be a moment closer to the demise of the stone. 


Bdubs stared in awe at the roots of Iskall's tree. Honey dripped from a knot in the bark, pooling at the bottom. He pushed through the plants on the way to the entrance. His elytra were back at home, since the sound of the rockets would have been much too loud. 

All he had to do was remember where the diorite was kept.... Iskall would usually sleep at the base of the tree, and knowing him, he would want the "bird poop" to be as far away from him as possible. Bdubs groaned. He'd have to pass the sleeping Iskall on the way up to the canopy. 

Sunlight shone through the honey into the trunk of the tree. It was dangerously close to Iskall's double bed, and Bdubs didn't want to know what the Swede would do if he were caught. He held his breath as he tiptoed across the base to the stairs. He looked back at the bed, noticing that Stress was snuggled up against him. 

Ha, Iskall's a little spoon. 

As he neared the top of the canopy, he could see the box of diorite sitting on a pedestal with a sign saying BAD BAD BAD all over it. Bdubs couldn't help but snicker to himself at Iskall's pure hatred of something as simple as a block. He heaved the box into his arms and prepared for the walk down the stairs. 

"Hallo?" Iskall asked.

Bdubs was suddenly glad that the box covered his face.

"Uh, just taking care of this for you, it's Zedaph," Bdubs said in a mock British accent. 

"Nice try, Bdubs, I can see your headband."

Bdubs froze. 

"It's fine, dude, just take it. Just, next time, ask, 'kay?" 

Iskall took the box from the builder's hands, shrinking it down to fit in the palm of his hand before handing it back. 

"Here, it'll kill your little kayak if you're not careful."

Stress held the blanket up to cover her face and the fact she was wearing Iskall's shirt. 

"Hey, Bdubs...." she said sheepishly. 


Bdubs' phone lit up with notifications. 

ImTheDoctor: Where the hell did you go?

He sighed, climbing back into his boat. He seriously needed some rest.

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