Chapter 14

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"I still remember my mother telling me 'Nothing can happen more beautiful than death.' I was five when she first started telling me,that time I couldn't relate or even understand it.But now I do.Death does give peace to suffering,old,poor people and also even to rich sometimes. Every circumstance we face in the end there will only be two ways breathing or death."

"So what do you think Dr.Graham am I ready to hold the scalpel and take onto the next surgery? I have answered your question about how I feel about death."

Dr.Graham replied,"No not yet, so what do you think of people who commit suicide?"
I sat there still and looking at Dr.Graham, he looked quite young for psych. He was wearing a brown t-shirt with black jeans.

He cleared his throat. 

"Why suicide?" I asked.                                                                                                          

 He replied,"Well your mother tried to commit suicide and so did your friend." 

"Well, as per as me people commit suicide to stop the pain or in case of some people the suicide is meaningless and they could had been saved. Isn't there this quote, ' Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

"Well impressive, so you support mercy killing?" Dr.Graham asked.

"Well yes, every doctor should if a man is declared brain dead that he has no family then it is our decision to pull out the plug or wait for some magical mystical thing to happen which doesn't happen."

" But isn't it proved that there is a chance of waking up?" Dr Graham asked.

"Yes, one in a zillion."

Dr Graham asked, " So let's see it this way, hypothically let's take the case which you just said about the brain dead man, so what will you do pull the plug or wait for a miracle?"

"I will pull out the plug"

"Why?" He asked.

"See if I pull out the plug then at least he will die a painless death but if I don't and let's think that a miracle happened and he woke up then either he will be paralysed for the rest of his life or have a life in a rehab centre trying to move his legs again. And the paralysis has the higher motive in these cases. And the miracle is never a miracle. Everything has consequences."

"Yes you are right." Dr. Graham said.
He signed on the paper.

And said," Congratulations you are ready to go ahead with surgeries.. But in order to that you will at least have to have a session with me every three weeks."

"Okay Thanks." I smiled and took the paper.


Ava, Julia, Alex were waiting impatiently when I arrived to the nurses table looking glum

Julia asked excitedly," Did you get the paper?"
And then suddenly I looked up and waved the paper in their faces.
"Obviously it's just psych evaluation." I said laughing.
And all of us laughed for like two minutes straight.

I turned to see all of my four interns standing together.
I asked, " What happened?"
Sia came and hugged me and started crying.
I thought her sole surgery died.
And then she replied,
" The surgery was successful. The patient is alive. We have informed the parents."

"Wow congratulations Sia and Jake. What happened to both of you?"
I asked Neal and Sarah.
Sarah replied, " I am done with the post-ops and I had to intubate a patient and do a  craniotomy in the bed side and I did it and it was succesfull and Will Grayson said that he is too tired to speak to today so please go and meet him tomorrow." 

"Okay,I will go and meet him as soon as I can tomorrow and what about you Neal?"

Neal said,"Well today I learnt the first step of patient-family care an wanted to thank you I couldn't had done it without you."

I smiled," Very good today each one of you have made me proud and I am sure that you will countinue to do so. So now go back to your homes and relax and meet me tomorrow me the same enthusiasm."

They smiled and left through the door to the interns room. And as I turned around to go to the residents lounge Dr.Medicus was standing there.

He said,"Feels great right,when one of them does something unique.And trust me I have followed all the residents interns today and yours were the best  one especially the girl named Sarah.You have done a fine job on them so go home and relax and keep informing me about Will Grayson and now take him to meditational hall and library. And take care of him."

"Okay Sir and thank you"

"Good night Dr.Grey." he said walking away.

"Good night Dr.Medicus."

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