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Screw. This. Case.

It's been less than 24 hours and you're already ready to snap. Or kill someone. Or both. As soon as Garcia presented this case to the team, you knew it was going to start something. Three bodies, all found in some form of BDSM playroom. Why did it have to be the one thing you kept from the team? None of them, not even your close girlfriends, knew about this side of you and you wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. You just didn't think it'd come out during a case.

When the team first reached the jet after the case briefing, everything was okay. You were nervous, but nothing too bad happened during the briefing. As soon as the jet theorizing started, however, that's when things first started to get rough. It all started with a small comment from Morgan.

"I don't get it." He sighed. 

"What's on your mind?" You questioned, your first mistake.

"How could someone be into something like this? Normal people don't get off on hurting someone, psychotics do. Yet there is an entire community around it. It doesn't make sense." You clench your jaw to stop yourself from reacting to his comment. 

Am I a psychopath Derek? Is that what you think? I enjoy hurting someone consensually so that makes me crazy or not normal?  You just want to yell out at him, defend yourself and your community. Instead, you just take some deep breaths to compose yourself and calmly respond, "I mean, if it's consensual between the two people then what's the harm?" You think you hid the anger in your voice and microexpressions well, but then everyone else decides to chime in and you realize how outnumbered you really are.

Everyone, except for Reid. He stays surprisingly quiet as everyone else questions and judges the community you've been apart of as a Dom for many years. Wanting him to join in the conversation, you finally speak up after staying quiet, scared that saying one thing would unleash a whole world of judgment. 

"Spence? You're awfully quiet. Got any thoughts or facts for this... conversation?" You ask, trying so hard not to put 'ignorant' before the word conversation. 

"I mean um it's not really our place to judge what someone does, that's why I'm uh staying out of it. Don't want to place an opinion on something that seems like it will have a big impact on this case," he stutters out. You smile at him but quickly hide it so no one else can read you. 

THANK YOU SPENCER! God, you all should learn something from him... you think but don't dare say out loud. Spencer's comment seems to shut everyone up and you're extremely thankful for that. You didn't know how much more you could take of hearing them flat out insult the thing you're most passionate about. 

Right as you're about to land, Garcia calls saying a fourth body has been found and it makes you feel sick. Hotch assigns you and Spencer to go to the latest crime scene and you're glad you're going with Spence and not one of the others. 

When you two got to the crime scene, Spence immediately grows uncomfortable and you know it. He was not good at hiding his discomfort, at all. You on the other hand were completely unphased by what was around you. Blindfolds, paddles, different types of rope, handcuffs, and so much more. You recognized all of it, hell you had used most of it on yourself or a Sub before. 

You decide to just go straight to the body but you can't help but notice the slight curiosity Spence has at the objects in the room. He's not disgusted or disturbed by all of it. Instead, he seems... intrigued. You watch him as he runs his hands through the ropes hanging on the wall. 

His hands...

You can't help but picture tying him up with that rope, spreading him across the bed, and having total control over him. Hearing the noises he'd make as you...

Judgment - Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now