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<3 Days Later>

"Spence, I can get up the stairs myself." I say as Spence grabs my non-injured arm to help support me up the stairs.

"Dr. Rez said no climbing, running, or any other physical activity for another 3 days, so I will help you up these stairs since your elevator is still broken."

"You're already carrying my and your bags, let me hold something baby."

"Respectfully? Nope." I jokingly scoff at his response. I give up fighting him and just let him lead me up the stairs. I got released 30 minutes ago and Spence insisted on staying with me until I'm back to 100%. As much as I told him I'd be fine by myself, he insisted. If I'm being honest, he's been a major brat these past few days.

Thankfully, I only live on the third floor, I won't admit it out loud but Spence was right, that was tiring. I reach into my bag on Spence's arm to grab my keys and unlock the door. "You can just set the bags down in the bedroom I guess." I say and he nods before walking to the bedroom. I make a clicking noise with my mouth to summon Dahmer and Holmes. I hear their excited squeaking come from opposite sides of the apartment. I walk over to their two main cages.

"Hiii babies!" I say in a high pitched voice. They both place their tiny paws on the edge of the cage. Their cute little noses twitch in excitement. "I missed you guys so much." I open Dahmer's cage and pull him out so I can hold him for a second, I hold him up to my chest. I actually lucked out in getting the sweetest hamsters... which is ironic considering their names.

Dahmer nuzzles up in the crook of my neck so I decide to take out Holmes as well so he doesn't feel left out. "Awww I know I was gone for so long, but I'm here. I hope Spence took good care of you guys. My sweet little babies," I say as I hear Spence start to snicker from behind me. I turn around to face him, still holding both of my hamsters up against my chest and neck. "What are you laughing about now?"

"Nothing, you just treat them like actual children." I look at him with an offended expression.

"They are my children, I love them so much, they've been a constant through a lot. I know I've only had them for a year and a half but I can't imagine my life without them." I smile down at Dahmer and Holmes before placing them back in their separate cages.

"But you named them... Dahmer and Holmes..." I sigh, slightly annoyed by the attitude in his voice.

"Spencer I swear to god... what did I say about making fun of their names?" His entire demeanor changes when I say that as a slight blush crosses his cheeks.

"I uh... you uh," he stutters as I cross the room to him. I rest my hand on his chest and push him against the wall.

"Come on pup, what did I say?" He whimpers slightly at the pet name but I just keep my eyes locked with his. He tries to look away but I lift my hand off his chest to grab his chin, since I can only lift one arm. I use a little more force than I have in the past but that's only because he's been such a brat, and I want to see how he reacts to something a little... rougher. Obviously he can call yellow and red at any time and I'm going to shower him in aftercare afterwards, but I wanna have a little fun.

He stares at me for a moment as I keep my grip on his chin. Finally he clears his throat and speaks up, "Y-you said you'll b-bend me over y-your knee and really show me how much of a little s-slut I am for you," he says, but he whispers the word slut.

"How much of a little what you are for me? I couldn't hear you," I say as I move my hand from his chin down to his neck and rest it there. I don't apply any pressure, just to see his reaction. He bites his bottom lip and whines again. I dart my eyes down for a second and see the bulge growing in his pants. He likes this.

Judgment - Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now