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As soon as you walk into the station, Hotchner calls you over to the conference room to talk. You get pretty nervous thinking he might've figured you out. You'd done a good job so far hiding your anger you thought. When you enter the room, Hotch closes the door behind you. "Is something wrong?" You question him.

"I should be asking you that. Officer Cooper told his supervisor who told me that you were being incredibly rude to him at the crime scene. Now, I understand the local police can be troublesome sometimes in cases, but out of all of us, you've always been the most level headed with them." Officer Cooper... huh... You cannot believe he told on you to his superiors. You hadn't even been that rude to him, you just ignored his handshake while walking past. Now granted, you wanted to do something much worse but you maintained some composure at least.

"Nothing is wrong Hotch. The only thing I did that was 'rude' to him was leaving without shaking his hand, ask Spence. He just... he called the victims and their community freaks. And yeah that annoyed the hell out of me because..." You look at Hotch. Could you tell him? Would he judge you? You couldn't risk it. "because we're supposed to be helping these people not judging them. Yet, ever since we got this case, all I've heard is judgment from the police and even all of you." Hotch stands there for a moment, contemplating what you just said. He knew something was up, but luckily he didn't push it.

"Okay, I understand. Just, don't do anything extreme and if you need to step away, let me know." You nod and Hotchner exits the room, leaving you alone. To be honest, you were still angry, but you knew things were going to get worse, you just had that feeling. You place your head in your hands and take a deep breath. "Ugh, this is gonna suck.." You whisper to yourself.

"What's gonna suck?" Spence. When did he...

"Nothing. Just this case. I don't know why it's getting to me." You did know why and you were fairly certain he knew why too.

"Y/N... can I um ask you something personal." Oh god here comes the judgment. You look around making sure no one would be coming into the room anytime soon.


"Are you um apart of the whole... you know... BDSMcommunity?" He rushes out the last part as his face turns red. You run behind him and shut the door, triple-checking no one was around. Might as well come clean to someone... you didn't think he wouldn't judge you and it could be nice to have someone to vent to about this case.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone else, especially our team." He nods, "say it." 

"I promise." You take a deep breath... here goes nothing...

"Well then yes. I am. Have been for a while, since early college. I'm what's called in the community a-"

"Dominant?" He interrupts. You stare at him blankly. Was it that obvious? Wait... was he...

"Um yeah actually. How did you know? Are you apart of the community as well Spence?" He blushes harder than before. It was really adorable when he was flustered.

"I uh I thought that if you were apart of this then um you wouldn't be a Submissive. Your personality doesn't well um doesn't fit that of one. And me? I'm um I'm not... uh well, not apart of that. But I am um curiousaboutit." Huh. You could tell he had a bit of curiosity at the crime scene, but you never thought he'd actually admit it and you'd be having this conversation with him. "I'm sorry I should just..." He turns to walk out the door but you quickly run and stand in front of it, blocking him from leaving.

"Spence, it's okay. I'm not weirded out or mad or whatever else you think I might be. I could tell you were curious at the scene. What do you think you might be, role-wise?" He does everything in his power to avoid eye contact with you. You look around making sure there were no windows in the room. Fuck it... you think as you softly grab his chin to force him to make eye contact with you. "Hey... don't be nervous, I won't attack you or anything I promise Spencer." He locks eyes with you and nods.

Judgment - Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now