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(Y/N's POV)

As we're driving to the bar, I notice Spencer getting more and more nervous, he's been nervous since we left the apartment. "Spence, calm down, I'm not actually going to get blackout drunk I promise," I try and joke but he just chuckles nervously, "alright spill it. Why are you so stressed?"

"It's nothing. I just want this birthday to be perfect since you've made my life so much better these past few months. I want tonight and tomorrow to be incredible but I'm worried it won't be incredible and you're gonna hate what I got you and-" I only cut him off because I don't want him spiraling into the dark hole of negative self thoughts.

"Spencer, sweetheart, I'm not going to hate whatever you got me. I'm sure I'll love it. I'll love anything you get me because you didn't have to get me anything in the first place." He parallel parks in front of the bar and I put my hand on the side of my face to tilt his chin to look at me. I place a soft kiss on his lips before locking eyes with him.

"Y/N I..." he pauses for a moment, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. "I um I... I think we should go inside..." I can tell in his eyes that's not what he wanted to say, but I don't push it. I don't want to push him into telling me something when we're about to go in for drinks. I do, however, make a note to talk to him later.

I nod at him, "Okay baby, let's go." We both unbuckle and start to exit the car. We've been to this bar before but it always surprises me how loud it is, louder than most bars. When we enter, Spencer immediately starts to look around. "There's two free chairs over there," I practically yell over the music and talking. Without responding, he starts to walk in the opposite direction of the two chairs I pointed out. I look up at him confused.

"SURPRISE!!" I jump at the exclamation and turn to the source of it. The... the whole team is there. Gabi, Garcia, Hotch, Morgan, Emily, Rossi and even JJ! They're all here!

"Oh my god! Wait what?! You guys are- but how did you- what?!" I turn to Spencer and he has the smuggest grin on his lips, "You did this?! Is that why you were so fucking nervous?"

"Surprise! And yes this is why I was so nervous. I thought you knew!"

"No! I had no idea! Hey guys!" I walk over and hug each of them individually, all of them saying their respective 'happy birthdays'.

"I'm really sorry about how I treated you Y/N," Emily whispers when I hug her, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"I'm just glad you're here Em."

"I have returned with drinks! Provided by our very own David Rossi!" Garcia says while walking over with a tray of drinks. "Ooooo! I like the necklace Spence!" She adds and a blush immediately crosses his face.

"Yeah I'm um trying something new-"

"What? You've never had any interest in wearing jewelry!" JJ objects. I fight back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Well, interests change. I'm kind of liking it!" Spencer defends himself. I smile proudly at him before locking eyes with Gabi. She points at him basically saying did you get him that? I nod at her and she nods back approvingly. I chuckle slightly before everyone grabs a shot, including Hotch and Rossi which surprises me. Rossi holds his up, signifying a toast, and we all follow suit.

"To our wonderful tesoro, Y/N! While we may not have been the best family these past few weeks, I'm glad we could all come together to celebrate the life of Y/N! May this next year and many more be incredible! Saluti!" We all clink our shots together exclaiming 'saluti' as we do. Everyone downs them in one gulp, showing different reactions to the burn of the alcohol. "Any and all alcohol is on me tonight! My birthday gift to you! Just be responsible please," Rossi explains and I let out a small chuckle.

Judgment - Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now