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Anger. Rage. Fury.

All things you felt at that moment in the bathroom. You wanted to kill the son of a bitch who was doing this even more now. You collected yourself by taking a deep breath and wiping the remaining tears on your face. Everyone was pissing you off but the one way you could catch this guy was by doing the one thing you swore you'd never do again. Play a Sub. In the end, Hotch is right. You couldn't train someone to act like Sub before he killed another innocent girl.

You stormed out of the bathroom and back into the conference room.

"Hotch," you say calmly, "I'll do it." Everyone was looking at you again. Whatever, you didn't care anymore. Time to show your badassness.

"You just said you couldn't."

"Years ago, I told myself I would never put myself in a Submissive position again, had a bad experience with it. I lied when I said I couldn't. I can, I just didn't want to." You take another deep breath before continuing, "I'm already out of my comfort zone and uncomfortable with this case, might as well add to it. If it means I can stop another innocent from getting killed, hell yeah I'll do it." Hotch and Rossi look at each other, questioning if you can actually do it.

"I don't know if you should Y/L/N."

"Look, no one else can do this except for me. I will put myself in that vulnerable spot again. Unless you are comfortable with more people dying because of this guy, you have no other choice right now."

"She's right Hotch," Spence interjects, "we have to stop this guy, she's our best shot." You turn and smile at him, thanking him for backing you up. He smiles softly back. Quickly, you turn your attention back to Hotch.

"Please Hotch... let me do this," you basically beg him. Clearly, you were already falling into the Sub character.

"Fine. What do you need?" Not being judged would be great...

"Give me a few hours to do some shopping, I don't need to get a lot but I feel like it'll take a while to find a store selling what I need."

"Okay, take the SUV. Anything you buy for the operation will be reimbursed so keep track of it."

"Yes Sir. Can I take Spencer with me? I don't want to go alone and I can tell none of you are going to be comfortable going with me."

"Woah Woah come one? You're really gonna take the kid with you?" Morgan protests.

"I'm not a child Morgan, I don't mind going with her. If it's fine with Hotch I'll be happy to go with her. I can help keep track of everything and you can always call if you need me." Spence says sternly. Him sticking up for himself was nice to see, he doesn't do it often.

"It's fine with me Morgan, as long are you're 100% certain you're okay with going, Reid."

"I am." You can't help but smile again. Get fucking told, Morgan.

"Then it's settled, Y/L/N and Reid will go out and get whatever she needs. Morgan, JJ, and Prentiss head to the latest crime scene. Rossi and I will stay here and interview families. We'll reconvene here at 4 pm to discuss the plan. Thank you." All of you take that as your sign to go your separate ways.

"You ready Dr. Spencer Reid to meet my world?" You say jokingly. You only said it to piss Morgan off and judging by his scoff, it worked.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" You two fist bump and head out of the station, straight into the SUV. You get on the driver's side as he gets in the passenger seat. As soon as your situated, you call Garcia.

Judgment - Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now