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You wake up to the smell of... pancakes? What? You slowly open your eyes, adjusting to the light. Spence and you fell asleep on the couch in the middle of the movie, both of you exhausted from the events of the afternoon. You look over towards the kitchen and see Spence. It was... a sight... you had to stop yourself from laughing.

He was wearing your rainbow apron you got at pride last year and both it and him were covered in pancake batter. He had headphones in and was lip-syncing to whatever he was listening to. He seemed... genuinely happy. He was so engrossed in what he was doing, he didn't notice you were awake.

"Spence?" Nothing. He couldn't hear you. "Spence!" You say a little louder. Still nothing. "SPENCER!" He jumps back, spilling a bit more pancake batter on himself. He yanks his earbuds out of his ears and blushes while smiling at you.

"Uh hi," he says awkwardly.

"What are you doing, baby?" You ask while laughing.

"I um wanted to make you breakfast, as a thank you." He rubs the back of his neck nervously, "I never meant to make such a uhm mess, but I promise I'll clean it up!"

"It's okay! Do you want any help?"

"I'm almost done, I think I'll be fine," he says as he pours some mix onto a pan.

"Alright, I'm gonna feed Dahmer and Holmes, but if you need anything, just let me know." He lets out a small chuckle, "Stop!"

"I'm sorry but hearing 'I'm gonna feed Dahmer and Holmes' is hilarious to me." You jokingly glare at him as you move to get some food from the fridge and cabinet. You pull out a small container of pre-cut apples, carrots, and peas, feeling Spencer's eyes on you the entire time.

"You can keep judging me about my hamsters or you can focus on your pancakes that are about to burn. Your choice pup." As soon as you say that he mumbles 'shit' under his breath and rushes over to the stove. You giggle and continue to feed your pets. When you approach the cage you feed them in, they both come rushing over to it from opposite sides of the apartment.

"You know I'm not judging you for it right? I actually think it's super cool and cute." Aww he was genuinely concerned you though he was judging you.

"I was joking baby, don't worry."

You finish feeding them as Spence calls out that breakfast is done. Your kitchen was only slightly a mess but Spence was a whole other story. There was flour and batter and eggs all over the apron and him. It was funny to see such a clean person so messy. You both sit down at your table once you assembled your pancakes.

You take the first bite and Spence looks at you eagerly for feedback. "They're really good baby, better than when I make them." He smiles excitedly.

"Really? Because I was kind of nervous. I thought I added too much flour at one point and then not enough cinnamon at another, and then I thought I forgot the recipe but I remembered I have an eidetic memory, I literally can't forget it. So I just-" You smile at him, "I'm rambling aren't I. I'm Sor-"

"I know the team has conditioned you to apologize for rambling, but I really love it. I could listen to you ramble all day baby." He blushes and goes back to eating. After about five minutes, you sense him wanting to say something. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I um... I'm sorry for kissing you last night." Ah yes. The kiss. The one where you felt something you've never felt with someone else before. The one where you didn't pull away when you knew how much this would complicate things. The one you had been avoiding talking about all morning.

"It's okay, don't apologize, just um... what did it-" You get interrupted by your phone ringing. Saved by the bell. You answer it quickly, seeing it's Hotch. "Y/L/N here."

Judgment - Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now