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"I'd like to preface this by saying you all are going to hear a completely different side of me. This isn't even how I sound when I'm in this community so just please remember this isn't really even me." You were sitting in the SUV outside of the club talking to your team. You were terrified about what you were going to do but you couldn't show it. They're going to be listening to everything you say, so you had to give them a little warning. "Also, unless I say the code, do not interrupt me. That goes for Spence and Morgan as well, no matter how scared I may sound or if he lays his hands on me, don't interrupt. It's all an act."

"Got it." Spence and Morgan say over the coms at the same time.

"Alright, I'm going in."

"Remember Y/L/N, we don't know what he looks like, you have to draw him out," Hotch adds in.

"I know." You say as you walk to the club's entrance. Stopping in front of the door, you take a deep breath. Let's do this. Walking inside, you immediately understand why the unsub picked this place. It was loud with a ton of flashing lights and a very distinct sweat smell. It was a huge sensory overload. This place is insane...

There are two free seats at the bar so you go over and sit in one of them, the perfect trap. Morgan was working the bar and Spence was sitting at a table diagonal from you. You take another deep breath, you're safe.

"Can I get you anything, miss?" Morgan asks you.

"Something fruity and strong please." You hated fruity drinks, they were so gross. But you had to act soft and approachable. A bright, fruity drink creates a persona of softness and approachable.

"Coming right up." You take this opportunity to look around, see if anything pops out. You were looking for someone who reeks of fake confidence. His style would be overcompensation for how boring he actually is. You knew what his body is like from the security tapes and he is massive, that was what was scaring you. You knew he could easily overpower you if things went south. You hear Morgan place a drink in front of you and you pick it up to start sipping on it while continuing to scan the room. Finally, you see him. You knew he was your unsub. He locks eyes with you but you quickly shy away and smile. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him walking towards you.

You had him hooked.

"Hey, sweetness, what are you doing over here all alone." His breath smelt like old cigars and whiskey. It made you sick but you pushed through it and smiled sweetly at him.

"I guess I'm not alone anymore, am I?" He sits in the bar chair next to you.

"No, you are not. What's your name sweetness?"

"Talia Nightengale, how about you?"

"Simon Payne, a pleasure to meet you, Talia. I can't help but notice the beautiful collar around your neck," he reaches his hand up and grabs the charm, brushing his hand against your chest. You blush and avoid eye contact, he was making you so uncomfortable but you had to play the blushing submissive role. "'Baby', cute. I hope I'm not being too rash by saying this, but judging by your outfit and the collar, are you into BDSM?" Ugh, it was so obvious how much of a fake dom he was. You nod your head, "Use your words, baby." Ughhhhhhhhh.

"Yes I am sir, are you?" He places a hand on your waist and another on your wrist, grabbing tightly. You let out an audible wince.

"Do we need to move in?" You hear Hotch pop in your ear. You put your free hand behind your back and start to sign 'N' 'O' to either Morgan or Spence and hope one of them sees it.

"She says no Hotch." Thank god Spence. You turn your attention back to the guy in front of you and bite your bottom lip.

"You're very beautiful baby, I adore the outfit choice. So much skin, I'd love to mark it up if you'd give me the chance." Ew. The way he talks makes your skin crawl. He's so gross it hurts. His word choice is weird... him giving you the option to walk away is confusing. If he's trying to control me, why give me control? You bite your lip to try and show him you're interested.

Judgment - Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now