Chapter 5

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''Sometimes we just have to deal with the fact that life doesn't always go our way.'' Told by an annymous. This is one of my favourite qoutes it describes the true meaning of life. In the end nothing goes as we plan, in life we will always see the bad and feel the pain through the good times. One of the deepest paining that anyone will ever feel is losing  the person that you love the most. That was my greatest fear, until it happened. The smallest things in life can always cause you the biggest pain. It was a normal afternoon. I was still at school having lunch in the hall with my friends. We were talking about colleges and about the end of year prom that would soon be happening.

''Bella! Did you choose what you would like to do?'' Nichlous asked.

''Nichlous, I will probably apply for business in Turkey. What about you?''

''I will probably end up as music producer, I just love making and mixing songs.''

''That's great Nichlous, I think you will make it and if you ever get a chance to one I expect free entry to your shows.''

''Of course Bella.''

Bella asked ''Jason, have you decided yet?''

''Yes, Bella I will probably apply for engineering but I still don't know where yet.''

''Girls, and you?.''

Stefania answerd ''still don't know yet, and you Stella?''

Stella answerd ''still no clue, but I am into art.''

Bella replied '' I think you have a great talent in art, I think you should go for it.''

''We will see Bella, if I don't change my mind.''

The bell rang.

''Jason,Nichlous,Stefania what class do we have now?''

Stefania answerd ''Math, probably I will be sleeping during the lesson.''

''Same here Stefania.''

''Okay, I will see you later,''cried Stella from back.''

Stella was heading back to her class while Stefania, Nichlous,Jason and I were heading to MATH.''

Do you know the things that you are apprehensive about happening but it does? Well that was one of my feelings in the middle of my math lesson.I had a very weird feeling when the headmaster sent someone to take me out of the math lesson, saying he needed me in the office. All the class looked at me and Nichlous, Stefania and Jason gazed at me with the look which was the look of ''what happened?''. But  I didn't know what to expect because I never got into trouble before and I am not that kind of person who gets into trouble. I got my backpack and books and made my way to the office. I knocked before going in.

''Excuse me sir, you called me?''

''Oh come in Bella, please how are you?''

''Well sir, thank you.''

''And your studies?''

''good, did anything happened sir for calling me?''

''No, Bella I called you for another reason to be honest.''

''What is it sir?''

''Well your  mother called me and told me that your brother is in the hospital.''

''WHAT! When did it happened.''

''Just now Bella she called me.''

''Can I go sir, please?''

''Yes, sure Bella.''

I ran through the school corrider and got the first cab I saw and went to the hospital. I arrived at the hospital. went in and asked for noel and the nurse told me he was in room 321 I took the elevator, it was on the third floor , and went through the hall until I found room 321. I went in and saw my mother crying uncontrolably beside my brother's bed, and I collapsed beside my mum.

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